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Building Statistical Capacity To Monitor Development Progress World Bank Development Data Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Statistical Capacity To Monitor Development Progress World Bank Development Data Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Statistical Capacity To Monitor Development Progress World Bank Development Data Group

2 Contents F The development agenda: new demand for better statistics F Building national statistical capacity F Strengthening the global statistical system F What remains to be done?

3 New opportunities F The poverty reduction and other national strategy processes –Places emphasis on countries, not projects –Generates new demands for statistics F The MDGs –Provide an agreed international framework for monitoring development progress F The Monterrey consensus –Focuses on implementation and outcomes

4 International statistical system Use of data Supply of data Measuring & monitoring development progress Policies, resources, programs, projects Implementation Assessment and analysis National data Data processes Statistical infrastructure Financed by: Government budgets, multilateral trust funds, and bilateral donors ; Supported by technical assistance and training National data Data processes Statistical infrastructure Financed by: Government budgets, multilateral trust funds, and bilateral donors ; Supported by technical assistance and training Review processes Methods and standards Coordination, advocacy, information International frameworks National data Data processes Statistical infrastructure Financed by: Government budgets, multilateral trust funds, and bilateral donors ; Supported by technical assistance and training Review processes Methods and standards Coordination, advocacy, information International frameworks Transnational data ICP, environmental data, etc. Consistent international data agencies, IMF, WB, regional agencies Global data UN specialized

5 Components of the system F Balance between supply and demand –Data that are needed are provided and data provided are used F National data –Generated by national statistical systems and based on statistical infrastructure F Global data –Compiled by international agencies –Includes some transnational programs such as ICP

6 Coordination and support F International data frameworks –e.g., SNA, balance of payments, etc., –Improve data quality and build international comparability F Assessment/Reporting frameworks –e.g.,GDDS, SDDS, DQAF –Basis for assessment and development plans F International coordination –UN Statistical Commission –PARIS21

7 The challenges facing developing countries F Statistical systems under pressure –Inadequate resources and poor performance –Over-dependence on donor finance –Limited national demand –Limited staff motivation and incentives –Inadequate analysis and dissemination (User- friendliness) –Limited feedback from users –Limited institutional coordination –Unsupportive political environment –Limited donor coordination

8 Data availability

9 Selected MDG indicators F Insert Are we reaching the goals? graph showing MDG progresses and data availability of a particular region

10 World Bank Projects with Statistical Capacity Building Components in [name of (sub-) region] F Insert (sub-)regional information based on SCB project database

11 Strategies F Build national demand and country ownership F Invest in national capacity F Improve efficiency and make better use of existing resources F Focus on demand and use of data at all levels F Need to make use of new statistical tools and technologies F Enhance international cooperation

12 The capacity building process Country Strategies PRSP process TFSCB UN MDG Other processes Statistical Capacity- Building National budgets Bilateral donors STATCAP Advocacy and Awareness Regional workshops Country workshops and processes PARIS21

13 PARIS21 support F Regional and national workshops F Outputs from task teams –Advocacy material –Indicators of statistical capacity building –Strategic statistical development plans F Mechanism for promoting coordination and involving donors

14 Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building F Set up by World Bank with donor finance F Aims to put PARIS21 vision into effect F Supports preparation and implementation of strategic statistical development plans F Grants of up to $400,000 F Flexible, fast-acting

15 StatCap: A new funding instrument F Under development by WB F Simplified preparation and approval procedures F Based on master plans prepared from national strategic statistical plans F Promotes a sector-wide approach F Flexible with a long-term approach F Potential to disburse substantial resources

16 Some new statistical tools and technologies F Household surveys –Living standards measurement surveys (LSMS) –Core welfare indicator questionnaire (CWIQ) F Data analysis –Poverty mapping and data matching F Data storage and retrieval –New database tools F Data dissemination –Electronic media and the Internet

17 What remains to be done F Building national demand and creating support for statistical activities F Making better use of existing resources and capacity for strategic planning F Making statistical systems more independent and accountable in line with UN fundamental principles F Building efficient global statistical system to monitor the Millennium Development Goals

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