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Force and Motion Jeopardy

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1 Force and Motion Jeopardy
Mo’ Motion Weight, weight don’t tell me! Units Newton’s Laws 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

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3 A-100 Average speed cannot change or vary. True or False? False

4 A-200 The rate of change in speed or direction is called… Acceleration

5 A-300 What is the acceleration due to Earth's gravity?
9.8 m/s/s or m/s2

6 A-400 How would you calculate average speed? Speed=distance/time

7 A-500 The upward force acting on an object as it falls through the air. Air resistance or drag

8 B-100 What is any change over time is called? A rate

9 B-200 If you are not wearing a seat belt and your car is in a head on collision you will continue to move forward at your original speed due to … Inertia or Newton’s 1st Law

10 B-300 What other property of matter is inertia closely related to?

11 B-400 Which has the greatest inertia?
Barbie doll, Ken doll, paper clip or Ms. Benson? Ms. Benson

12 B-500 Which graph represent a bike standing still? B a b c d time time
distance distance speed speed time time time time

13 C-100 As you ascend (go up) in an spacecraft and you are farther from the Earth's center, what happens to your weight? Decreases

14 C-200 In the absence of air a penny and feather will fall…
At the same rate

15 C-300 An object in freefall will appear… Weightless

16 C-400 If equal and opposite forces cause no acceleration are said to be… Balanced

17 C-500 Which graph represents Mrs. Forcier walking at a constant speed?
distance distance speed speed time time time time

18 D-100 What does “m/s” mean? What is it a measure of?
Meters per second, speed

19 D-200 What does “m” mean? What is it a measure of? Meters, distance

20 D-300 What does “kg” mean? What is it a measure of? Kilograms, mass

21 D-400 What does “m/s2” mean? What is it a measure of?
Meters per second per second, acceleration

22 D-500 What does “N” mean? What is it a measure of?
Newtons, force or weight

23 E-100 The harder you pedal a bicycle the faster it will go is which of Newton’s laws? Newton’s 2nd Force=mass/acceleration

24 E-200 The main reason a person can jump off the ground is which of Newton’s laws? Newton’s 3rd, every action has an equal and opposite reaction

25 E-300 A hockey puck will slide on the ice for a long time when hit…
Newton’s 1st, object stays in motion unless another force acts on it.

26 E-400 F=m x a Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion

27 E-500 What is the weight of a person who has a mass of 40 kg? Show your work. F=m x a or weight=m x a Weight=40kg x 9.8 m/s/s Weight=392 N

28 A push or pull measured in newtons is a _____.
$100 A push or pull measured in newtons is a _____. motion gravity weight force

29 $100 (d) force Scores

30 A change in position of an object is _____.
$200 A change in position of an object is _____. motion gravity weight inertia

31 $200 (a) motion Scores

32 The location of an object is its _____.
$300 The location of an object is its _____. weight inertia volume position

33 $300 (d) position Scores

34 $400 The measure of the speed and direction of motion of an object is its _____. gravity force weight velocity

35 $400 (d) velocity Scores

36 $500 _____ is the property of matter that keeps an object at rest or keeps it moving in a straight line. Motion Gravity Weight Inertia

37 $500 (d) Inertia Scores

38 _____ is any change in the speed or direction of an object’s motion.
$100 _____ is any change in the speed or direction of an object’s motion. (a) Gravity (b) Acceleration (c) Force (d) Friction

39 $100 (b) Acceleration Scores

40 A measure of the gravitational force acting on an object is _____.
$200 A measure of the gravitational force acting on an object is _____. gravity force weight inertia

41 $200 (c) weight Scores

42 $300 _____ is a force that resists motion between objects that are touching. Magnetism Friction Gravity Acceleration

43 $300 (b) Friction Scores

44 Daily Double

45 The force of attraction between Earth and other objects is _____.
$400 The force of attraction between Earth and other objects is _____. magnetism friction gravity acceleration

46 $400 (c) gravity Scores

47 $500 The distance an object travels divided by the time it takes to travel is its _____. speed inertia acceleration gravitation

48 $500 (a) speed Scores

49 Which one of the following causes acceleration?
$100 Which one of the following causes acceleration? force inertia speed weight

50 $100 (a) force Scores

51 What force holds the moon in its orbit around Earth?
$200 What force holds the moon in its orbit around Earth? friction gravitation position weight

52 $200 (b) gravitation Scores

53 What force is shown by Arrow 2?
$300 What force is shown by Arrow 2? electric force friction gravity magnetic force

54 $300 (c) gravity Scores

55 $400 A force that acts between any two objects and pulls them together is _____. magnetism friction gravitation acceleration

56 $400 (c) gravitation Scores

57 $500 Which type of force causes a boy jumping off a chair to move toward Earth? (a) buoyant (b) electrical (c) gravitational (d) magnetic

58 $500 (c) gravitational Scores

59 $100 If you increase the force on an object, what do you probably also increase? acceleration gravity inertia mass

60 $100 (a) acceleration Scores

61 $200 What two things must Stephanie measure to find the speed of a moving bicycle? mass and inertia distance and time gravity and friction position and motion

62 $200 (b) distance and time Scores

63 $300 A dial in the picture tells you how many kilometers per hour the car is going. What does this measure? acceleration speed velocity weight

64 $300 (b) speed Scores

65 $400 What information about the car can you find by using the dial and compass together? its acceleration its motion its speed its velocity

66 $400 (d) its velocity Scores

67 $500 After studying acceleration, Amos explains why the gas pedal in a car is called an accelerator. What should Amos say in his explanation? An accelerator increases friction. An accelerator causes a change in the car’s velocity. An accelerator balances the effect of gravitational force. An accelerator is used to keep the velocity the same.

68 (b) An accelerator causes a change in the car’s velocity.
$500 (b) An accelerator causes a change in the car’s velocity. Scores

69 What does weight measure?
$100 What does weight measure? electrical force friction gravity acceleration

70 $100 (c) gravity Scores

71 $200 What is the least number of photographs needed to tell if a horse is moving? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 7 (d) 100

72 $200 (b) 2 Scores

73 $300 If an object has a large mass on Earth, what else does it have a lot of? inertia and volume weight and inertia weight and speed weight and volume

74 $300 (b) weight and inertia

75 $400 Henri wants to explain what is meant by mass. How should he describe the mass of his body? the weight of his body in newtons the weight of his body in pounds the volume occupied by his body the amount of matter in his body

76 (d) the amount of matter in his body
$400 (d) the amount of matter in his body Scores

77 $500

78 $500 Scores

79 Does Mass Make a Difference?
$100 Does Mass Make a Difference? Allison’s brother, Michael, needed an investigation for the Science Fair. He had three balls of different masses. He decided to roll each ball down a ramp hitting an empty box at the bottom of the ramp. Ball A’s Mass = 10 g Ball B’s Mass = 20 g Ball C’s Mass = 30 g Identify which ball will push the box the farthest.

80 $100 Part A Ball C will push the box the farthest. Scores

81 Does Mass Make a Difference?
$200 Does Mass Make a Difference? Allison’s brother, Michael, needed an investigation for the Science Fair. He had three balls of different masses. He decided to roll each ball down a ramp hitting an empty box at the bottom of the ramp. Ball A’s Mass = 10 g Ball B’s Mass = 20 g Ball C’s Mass = 30 g B. Explain why the ball you chose in part A will push the box the farthest distance.

82 $200 Part B Ball C will push the box the farthest distance because it has the greatest mass (30 grams) of all 3 balls. Since the ramps and empty boxes in all 3 situations are the same size, shape, and weight, the ONLY variable that is different is the mass of the balls. Since Ball C has the greatest mass, it will also have the greatest momentum (speed) as it rolls down the ramp. Ball C will apply more force to make the box move. Therefore, the empty box will move the farthest when Ball C hits it. Scores

83 Does Mass Make a Difference?
$300 Does Mass Make a Difference? Allison’s brother, Michael, needed an investigation for the Science Fair. He had three balls of different masses. He decided to roll each ball down a ramp hitting an empty box at the bottom of the ramp. Ball A’s Mass = 10 g Ball B’s Mass = 20 g Ball C’s Mass = 30 g C. Describe one change that Michael can do to make the box you chose travel farther.

84 $300 Part C One change Michael can do to make Box C travel farther is:
Reduce the friction on the surface of Ramp C by adding a lubricant such as oil, hand-soap, etc. Increase the height of the ramp, make it steeper. Apply more force to Ball C. Push Ball C with more force with your hand. Get a ball with more mass than 30 grams to roll down the ramp and hit the box. Get a box with less mass or weight for Ball C to hit against it at the bottom of the ramp. Scores

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