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November Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health

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Presentation on theme: "November Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 November Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health

2 Friday, Nov 1 Do Now

3 Friday, Nov 1 Objective: SWBAT
access valid health information (and appropriate health promoting products and services) Definitions: Anabolic steroid – an artificially made, complex substance that can temporarily increase muscle size. Journal: NONE P/R/S: -oma (S) - tumor Class work: Make up day Homework: HW Asst #4 Cure &/or Treatment.

4 Hour Percentage 1st 70.0 2nd 63.4 3rd 71.4 4th 64.9 5th 65.5
Friday, Nov 1 Hour Percentage 1st 70.0 2nd 63.4 3rd 71.4 4th 64.9 5th 65.5

5 Monday, Nov 4 Objective: PARENT TEACHER Conferences Definitions:
Journal: P/R/S: Class work: Homework:

6 Tuesday, Nov 5 Objective: Teacher Professional Development
Definitions: Journal: P/R/S: Class work: Homework:

7 Do Now (Please Read) Be Good
Wednesday, Nov 6 Do Now (Please Read) Be Good Get a planner page Complete Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. You are to be in your assigned seat and work with your team and stay at your tables. 13.1 Section Review – 1 per person per team Remember teams receive one point for each correct answer and lose two points for each incorrect answer. I’m asking the sub to leave names of helpful & problem students and to let me know which class was the best behaved. The sub is a guest in our classroom. Treat them as you would a guest in your home.

8 Wednesday, Nov 6 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
Classify the effects of alcohol on the body as short-term or long-term effects. Definitions: Blood alcohol Level (BAL) – a way to measure the level of alcohol in a person’s body Journal: None P/R/S: Neuro (R) - nerve Class work: 13.1 Section Review Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It”

9 Turning in your work Wednesday, Nov 6
13.1 Section Review – 1 per person Staple papers together in alphabetic order by last name. Don’t forget the date and hour. Place your papers in the correct tray on my desk. Clean up after yourself – leave no papers/garbage on tables or on the floor 5th hour – put the chairs on the tables. Thank you, Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Do you like the painted wall???

10 Thursday, Nov 7 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
Classify the effects of alcohol on the body as short-term or long-term effects. Definitions: Blood alcohol Level (BAL) – a way to measure the level of alcohol in a person’s body Journal: None P/R/S: Neuro (R) - nerve Class work: 13.1 Section Review Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It”

11 Pull out your planner page Monday – Thursday should be complete
Thursday, Nov 7 Do Now Pull out your planner page Monday – Thursday should be complete Pull out your journal

12 Thursday, Nov 7 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
Define Barriers and obstacles and identify ways people can overcome obstacles or barriers in their lives. Definitions: Brain waves – electrical patterns produced by the brain that fluctuate greatly during the sleep cycle. Journal: Every person has obstacles or barriers in their lives. What are the obstacles or barrier people had in the movie. What obstacles or barriers do you have. How do/have you dealt with them. P/R/S: -ology (S) – the study of Class work: Ben Carson movie Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It”

13 Missing Stickers Team 2 – YELLOW Team 3 – YELLOW Team 7 – GREEN
Thursday, Nov 7 Missing Stickers Team 2 – YELLOW Team 3 – YELLOW Team 7 – GREEN Team 8 – YELLOW, PINK, & GREEN

14 Friday, Nov 8 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
Identify two reasons why people drink and four reasons why people don’t drink Definitions: REM – rapid eye movement – the dreaming part of the sleep cycle, in which the eyes move back and forth rapidly under the eyelids Journal: NONE P/R/S: Crani (R) – skull Class work: Ch 12 Pre-Test (possible) 13.2 Section Review Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It”

15 Chapter 12 Pre-Test Get your assigned computer Log on
Wait for directions for your test Anyone who takes the wrong computer will be yelled at!! Anyone who leaves their cord hanging will be yelled at!!

16 Chapter 12 Pre-Test Passcode = OPFI Friday, Nov 8
1 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

17 Chapter 12 Pre-Test Passcode = OPFI Friday, Nov 8
2 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

18 Chapter 12 Pre-Test Passcode = OPFI Friday, Nov 8
3 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

19 Chapter 12 Pre-Test Passcode = OPFI Friday, Nov 8
4 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

20 Chapter 12 Pre-Test Passcode = OPFI Friday, Nov 8
5 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

21 Monday, Nov 11 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal: YMCA
Definitions: Journal: P/R/S: Class work: Homework:

22 Do Now Tuesday, Nov 12 Get a planner page
Complete Monday & Tuesday (5 mins.) Get team’s 13.1 worksheet Correct worksheet (20 minutes)

23 Tuesday, Nov 12 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
Identify at least 9 short-term and 4 long-term effects of alcohol on the body Identify and understand the 5 types of health Definitions: Insomnia – temporary or continuing loss of sleep Journal: NONE P/R/S: proto (P) - first Class work: 13.1 Section Review 5 types of health Homework: HW Asst. #5 – Who Gets It

24 Wednesday, Nov 13 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
Identify at least 5 issues/ concerns students have as a result of being in high school Definitions: Intoxicated – being affected by alcohol. Journal: “Surviving High School” Take notes and identify at least 5 issues/concerned students have as a result of being in high school (List them) P/R/S: sedat (R) -quieting Class work: Movie “Surviving High School” Homework: HW Asst. #6 – 10 statistics – list them

25 Do Now Thursday, Nov 14 Pick up both handouts from my desk
Pull out your planner page Pull out your journal Complete your planner page Once you are done with above get your computer LEAVE CORD ON SHELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26 Thursday, Nov 14 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
access valid health information (and appropriate health promoting products and services) Definitions: Hangover – uncomfortable physical effects brought on by alcohol use. Symptoms of a hangover included headache, nausea, upset stomach and dizziness. Journal: “Think Critically About Information and Services” Who? What? When? Why? P/R/S: cauter (R) - burn sedat (R) -quieting Class work: “Think Critically About Information and Services” Homework: HW Asst. #6 – 10 statistics – list them Bring Book to read Bring your journal

27 Do Now Get your book Be ready when the timer begins.
, Friday, Nov 15 Do Now Get your book Be ready when the timer begins. You will have a test on Chapter 1 – next Friday; you may want to read it

28 Friday, Nov 15 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
Review concepts learned Definitions: Hepatitis – an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by long-term alcohol abuse. Journal: NONE P/R/S: leuk (R) - white Class work: Chapter 1: Reading Log Homework: HW Asst. #6 – 10 statistics – list them Test – Chapter 1 next Friday

29 YMCA Monday, Nov 18 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
Definitions: Journal: P/R/S: -ic (S) pertaining to -ical (S) pertaining to Class work: Homework:

30 Chapter 4 Pre-Test Get your assigned computer Log on
Wait for directions for your test Anyone who takes the wrong computer, leaves the cord hanging, doesn’t plug their computer in or has it in backwards will receive a zero (0) on their Pre-Test

31 Tuesday, Nov 19 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
SWBAT complete Chapter 4 Pre-test Definitions: hunger – the body’s physical response to the need for food. Journal: “I am (or am not) physically fit. Explain why. P/R/S: bi- (P) -two Class work: Chapter 4 Pre-test Homework: HW Asst. #6 (10 Statistics) Chapter 1 Test - Friday

32 Chapter 4 Pre-Test Passcode = OPFI
Tuesday, Nov 19 Chapter 4 Pre-Test 1 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

33 Chapter 4 Pre-Test Passcode = OPFI
Tuesday, Nov 19 Chapter 4 Pre-Test 2 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

34 Chapter 4 Pre-Test Passcode = OPFI
Tuesday, Nov 19 Chapter 4 Pre-Test 3 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

35 Chapter 4 Pre-Test Passcode = OPFI
Tuesday, Nov 19 Chapter 4 Pre-Test 4 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

36 Chapter 4 Pre-Test Passcode = OPFI
Tuesday, Nov 19 Chapter 4 Pre-Test 5 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

37 Do Now , Wednesday, Nov 20 Get your planner page
Turn in your HW Asst. to the tray Complete your planner page One person from each team get enough papers (from my desk) for the entire team. #3 can be done with two different colors of ink or a pen and a pencil You will have a test on Chapter 1 –Friday; you may want to read it

38 Wednesday, Nov 20 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
Identify and distinguish between the two different categories of sleep. Definitions: Appetite – the desire to eat based on the pleasure derived from eating Journal: NONE P/R/S: alges (R) - pain Class work: 3.5 Section Review (Team Assignment) Homework: HW Asst. #7 Test Friday 11/22

39 Thursday, Nov 21 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
Teams with complete the review with 70% accuracy Definitions: Essential nutrient – six categories of substances from food that nourish the body; carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water Journal: NONE P/R/S: superi (R) - above Class work: Review for Test 5 T/F, multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the blanks Homework: Study for test HW. Asst. #7 - handout

40 Chapter 1Test Friday, Nov 22 Get your assigned computer
Log in to the computer Go to the Internet Wait for directions for your test Anyone who takes the wrong computer, leaves the cord hanging, doesn’t plug their computer in or has it in backwards will lose 10 points on their test Anyone talking will receive a ZERO

41 Chapter 1 Test Passcode = OPFI
Friday, Nov 22 Chapter 1 Test 1 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

42 Chapter 1 Test Passcode = OPFI
Friday, Nov 22 Chapter 1 Test 2 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

43 Chapter 1 Test Passcode = OPFI
Friday, Nov 22 Chapter 1 Test 3 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

44 Chapter 1 Test Passcode = OPFI
Friday, Nov 22 Chapter 1 Test 4 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

45 Chapter 1 Test Passcode = OPFI
Friday, Nov 22 Chapter 1 Test 5 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = OPFI

46 Friday, Nov 22 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
Review concepts learned Definitions: Calorie – a unit of measurement for energy. 1 nutrition calorie = 1 kilocalorie Journal: NONE P/R/S: -ize (S) state of being Class work: Chapter 1 Test HW Asst #7 Homework: HW. Asst. #7 - handout

47 Monday, Nov 25 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
Definitions: Journal: P/R/S: incis (R) -cut Class work: Homework:

48 Tuesday, Nov 26 Objective: Replace Objective with Learning Goal:
access valid health information (and appropriate health promoting products and services) Definitions: Carbohydrates – a class of nutrients containing starches, simple sugars, glycogen, and dietary fiber Journal: NONE P/R/S: ligat (R) - ties Class work: HW Asst. #7 - Handout Homework:

49 Wednesday, October 27 - Sunday, December 1 Happy Thanksgiving

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