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Yr 9 – World Energy Needs WALT –

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Presentation on theme: "Yr 9 – World Energy Needs WALT –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yr 9 – World Energy Needs WALT –
 Explain why the world’s energy needs are increasing WILF - Explanation of different reasons why human energy needs have grown

2 Explain why the world’s energy needs is increasing
Explain why the world’s energy needs is increasing. Discuss why the world’s energy needs is increasing. Relate to the increase in population and the increased use of modern technology.

3 What do we need energy for?
List the ways in which we use energy in Everyday lives Uses by Industry

4 1) Everyday lives Combined Heat and Power systems use fuels, both fossil and renewable, to produce electricity or mechanical work e.g. Heat is used by electrical stations to power turbines Electricity is used in the home and elsewhere

5 2) Industry

6 What problems are there is using more energy?
Problems in using morre energy :

7 What problems are there is using more energy?
Over demand/ over reliance Global warming Pollution/ Destruction of habitats/ reduced biodiversity

8 How does this compare with the increase in the human population
Use the ‘er’, ‘er’ rule to explain

9 How does this compare with the increase in the human population
Use the ‘er’, ‘er’ rule to explain As the worlds population becomes larger, the energy need becomes greater



12 As the worlds population becomes larger, the energy need becomes greater



15 World Energy Needs World Energy Needs Page 227 Questions 1-5
Page 229 to 236 Questions 6-10.

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