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Announcement Videos are due tonight!

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1 Announcement Videos are due tonight!
Electric Potential Worksheet is due tomorrow on Thursday at the beginning of class [Posted online]! Next quiz is on Monday – All of electrostatics (ends on Thursday); Friday is review for periods 1-3 -> Very important (cannot skip; 0 for unexcused absence)

2 Storing Electrical Energy 4.1.5 Electrical Potential (Voltage)

3 Electrical PE To increase PE - + + + To decrease PE - + + +

4 Calculating Potential Difference
Amount of potential difference: WORK DONE PER UNIT CHARGE 1 VOLT = 1 J/C

5 Example #1 6.0 joules of work are done in pushing an object with +3.0 coulombs of charge toward a charged plate. What type of charge does the plate have on it? How much potential energy was stored in the electric fields? How much electrical potential was generated? V = W/q V = 6.0 J / 3.0 C V = 2.0 V Positive 6.0 J

6 Example #2 An object with a 2.0 coulomb charge is accelerated through a potential difference of 10 volts. How much kinetic energy does the object gain? V = W/q W = Vq W = (10 V)(2.0 C) = 20 J

7 Electron-volts Alternate unit for work/energy:
Raises 1e to an electrical potential of 1 V 1 eV = 1.6 x J What is the energy needed to raise four electrons to a potential of 2.5 volts? What is the energy needed to raise two electrons to a potential of 1.0 volt? V = W /q 2.5 V = W / 4e W = 10 eV V = W /q 1.0 V = W / 2e W = 2.0eV

8 Example #3 An electron travels a distance of 2.0 x 10-3 meter as its electrical potential is raised by 300 volts. How much work is done on the electron? V = W/q 300 V = W / 1e W = 300 eV V = W/q 300 V = W / 1.6 x C W = 4.8 x J


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