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Complete Essay Outline

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1 Complete Essay Outline
This outline must be turned in with your final draft You can use the following to aid you in completing the outline: End of WWII Notes (Yalta/Potsdam Conferences) Korean War Packet (China and Korean War) McCarythism Notes (McCarythism) Origins of the Cold War: A Closer Look questions (all of the above)

2 Do’s and Don’ts ALWAYS have a thesis that DIRECTLY addresses the prompt ALWAYS have a conclusion PLEASE double space – it’s easier to leave comments! Do not use “I” or “we” in a formal essay – use 3rd person Do not use contractions (don’t, wouldn’t, isn’t) in a formal essay PROOFREAD – read over your own work AND get someone else to read over your work to check for spelling errors and to make sure your writing actually makes sense

3 Good Thesis Answers the prompt: how do these 4 things contribute to or are an example of the Early Cold War? SPECIFIC Bad Example: WWII impacted women, African Americans, and Japanese Americans in many different ways. Good Example: WWII impacted women, African Americans, and Japanese Americans in many different ways. Women were given jobs, African Americans were able to show their abilities, and Japanese Americans were looked at as a danger to the country.

4 Write First Draft of Essay
BEFORE you get a Chromebook to begin composing your first draft you must show me your completed Essay Outline AFTER you have shown me your completed outline, you may begin composing your essay Homework: Complete your first draft so we can complete peer edits next class!

5 Peer Edits Complete Question 1 on “Before Peer Review”
Reviewer One completes Peer Edits Reviewer Two completes Peer Edits Reviewer Three completes Peer Edits Complete Question 2 on “Before Peer Review”

6 Final Draft due NEXT Class!
Along with your PRINTED (as in hard copy, s will be counted as late until you get a hard copy to me) final draft, you also need to include the following, which will count as a separate grade: Completed "Origins of the Cold War: A Closer Look" questions Essay Outline Peer Edits and Rough Draft *if you are absent the day we do peer edits, get a friend/parent/sibling/rando to do this.*  Essay Rubric

7 Image of the Cold War Assignment
1. Create a simile (use “like” or “as”) for the Cold War. Ex 1: The Cold War is like school. Ex 2: The Cold War is like a football game. 2. Create a visual representation of your simile. Image must be original but can be composed of existing images such as a collage of printed pictures, traced pictures, etc. Image can also be abstract if it fits the simile.

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