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-Do Now: Take out your essay materials from yesterday, which include:

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1 -Do Now: Take out your essay materials from yesterday, which include:
SWBAT draft the conclusion paragraph of their Argumentative essays by including a clincher. -Do Now: Take out your essay materials from yesterday, which include: Essay organizer Two articles Take the first 20 minutes of the period to finish your body and counterclaim paragraphs. I will walk around to assist.

2 SWBAT draft the conclusion paragraph of their Argumentative essays by including a clincher.
Peer Review (Write your feedback on a Post-It.) Exchange papers with a partner. Focus on the counterclaim paragraph. Does your partner use a transition word or phrase to begin the counterclaim? Does your partner state the counterclaim clearly? Does your partner clearly explain the counterclaim? Does your partner say that the counterclaim is wrong? Does your partner explain why the exact explanation of the counterclaim is wrong and use evidence to do so?

3 Restate your thesis statement using different words.
SWBAT draft the conclusion paragraph of their Argumentative essays by including a clincher. Writing a Conclusion Restate your thesis statement using different words. Sum up the main points that you explained in the body paragraphs of your essay. Use a clincher to leave the reader thinking about your essay. Clincher: a fact or argument that settles a matter conclusively. Ties everything together and gets your reader thinking.

4 SWBAT draft the conclusion paragraph of their Argumentative essays by including a clincher.
Many climbers believe that the benefits of climbing and summiting Everest overpower the possibility of getting sick, or even dying; however, they do not. Sicknesses like HAPE can cause permanent damage to the climber’s body and immune system, and some climbers even die on the mountain while trying to reach the top of the world. Do the ambitious climbers realize that they are scaling a frozen graveyard, with the possibility becoming a part of it themselves?

5 1) Complete the conclusion paragraph to your argumentative essays!
SWBAT draft the conclusion paragraph of their Argumentative essays by including a clincher. Today’s goals: 1) Complete the conclusion paragraph to your argumentative essays! 2) After finishing your conclusion, proofread by: -Referring back to the checklist on the graphic organizer. -Use the rubric to grade your essay. Is there anything you feel you should change?

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