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Preview - BrainPOP ment/articlesofconfederation/ Copy these:

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1 Preview - BrainPOP ment/articlesofconfederation/ Copy these: What was established by the Declaration of Independence? To pass a new law in the Confederation Congress, you needed: What was the biggest obstacle for the continental congress?

2 U.S. Government Articles of Confederation established a weak central government with limited powers Continental Congress was the central government – 1 elected legislator for each state Individual states had more power – wrote their own constitutions Democratically elected legislatures wrote laws for each state

3 Limited Government Articles of Confederation created a “Limited Government” to give as much freedom as possible to the people Avoid British style tyranny The Central government could make laws, manage territory outside of states, declare war, coin or borrow money, and run a postal service No power to enforce laws or tax

4 Weakness of Limited Government
Economic Problems States taxed goods from other states which discouraged trade Each state printed different money U.S. was weak compared to other powerful nations British troops occupied U.S. northwest territories Spanish blocked Mississippi river at New Orleans – hurt trade Daniel Shay’s rebellion Shay and 1,000 farmers tried to overthrow Massachusetts government

5 Shays Rebellion F9-Q

6 Response Draw this cartoon What does the man represent?
What do his injuries represent? Would the author support a stronger or weaker central government? Explain why or why not.

7 Response What was the name of the document for the U.S government from ? How many legislators were elected into the continental congress? (think how many colonies were there) Which was more powerful? State or central governments? Explain why. What powers did the central government have? Why was the central government designed to be limited? Name one difficulty experienced because of the limited central government. Explain how a stronger central government could fix this.

8 Videos CcbD8&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtMwmepBjTSG593 eG7ObzO7s F9-Q

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