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Decline and Fall of Rome

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Presentation on theme: "Decline and Fall of Rome"— Presentation transcript:

1 Decline and Fall of Rome

2 The last two good emperors
Diocletian Absolute ruler, limited personal freedom Claimed descent from the gods Persecuted Christians Divided empire Got too big Easier to govern

3 Constantine Reunited the empire Moved the capitol to Constantinople
Power shift: west → east Christianity Legalized the Christian church and ended persecution – Edict of Milan

4 Political Causes Political office seen as burden Bad emperors
Military interference in gov’t Civil war Division of Empire Moved capital to Byzantium

5 Social Causes Decline in interest in public affairs
Low confidence in gov’t Disloyalty Corruption Gap between rich and poor

6 Gap between rich and poor
Economic Causes Poor harvests Disruption of trade Lack of war plunder Gold and silver drain Inflation High taxes Gap between rich and poor

7 Military Causes Threat from northern tribes Low funds for defense
Recruiting non-Roman citizens Lack of patriotism and loyalty amongst troops

8 Immediate Causes Military pressure from Huns
Invasion by Germans and Huns Sack of Rome Conquest by invaders

9 Legacy of Rome Alphabet and Language Calendar
Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian (Romance languages) Roman Numerals Calendar Developed by Julius Caesar July and August Saturday

10 Engineering and Architecture
Aqueducts Carried water into the cities from long distances Used the arch Architecture -columns -dome -concrete

11 Law Twelve Tables – applied to everyone
Used witnesses, cross X, evidence Lawyers Civil and criminal

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