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Story Elements ENG 4C.

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1 Story Elements ENG 4C

2 PLOT Story line Who did what, when, to whom, what happened as a result
Revolves around external or internal conflict Contains a LEAD – identifies main CHARACTERS, introduces CONFLICT, defines SETTING, and establishes POINT OF VIEW

3 STORY STRUCTURE Exposition (characters, setting, dramatic situation
Complications (obstacles that increase tension of conflict) Climax (turning point) Resolution (how story concludes)

4 SETTING Backdrop (physical location) Atmosphere (mood of the story)
Character and Action (setting shapes attitudes and actions of the characters) Character and Psychology (setting can reflect characters inner feelings)

5 Character Most important of all
Name, physical appearance, occupation, habits, actions, what the character says, does, and what others say about him or her

6 Character defined by: Values- people, places and things most important in the character’s life Feelings- emotions the characters feel most strongly Goals- character’s greatest hopes, what he/she is working to accomplish Problems- what other characters or circumstances are keeping the character from achieving his/her goals

7 Point of View Perspective from which the story is told
First person limited- character in the story, relates own experience directly, limited because….. Third person limited- narrator is watching the story and is telling the events that he/she sees, limited because…. Third person omniscient- narrator is watching the story and is telling the events as he/she sees, narrator is all-knowing and seems to be able to read characters’ minds

8 Mood Overall feeling created by the author’s words
Mood can change throughout the story Examples –happy, joyous, sad, eerie, gloomy, tense

9 Conflict Central course of tension and drama
Struggle between two or more opposing forces Main categories Character vs. character Character vs. society Character vs. nature Character vs. self

10 Minor categories Character vs. animal Character vs. supernatural
Character vs. machine Character vs. technology

11 Theme Problem or issue the story explores
Universal idea suggested by the story stated in general terms Clues to theme – title of story, important images or symbols, suggested morals Traditional story IDEAS are Struggle between good and evil Differences between nature and civilized society Differences between country life and city life Free will and fate

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