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Plagiarism is Cheating

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Presentation on theme: "Plagiarism is Cheating"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plagiarism is Cheating
Don’t Do It!

2 Plagiarism is … THEFT of someone else’s intellectual property.
If you take someone else’s ideas, opinions, or facts, you are STEALING intellectual property.

3 Three Types of Plagiarism
Word-for-Word Repeating the exact words of another person without giving credit to the source Paraphrase Saying almost the same thing as another person with just a few words changed Spot Plagiarism Using key words or phrases without giving credit to the source

4 NOT Plagiarism Reporting things that are considered common knowledge:
There are 12 months in a year. Christopher Columbus came to North America in The President of the United States is Barack Obama. There are 50 states in the USA.

5 How NOT to plagiarize… Give CREDIT whenever …
You use another person’s idea, opinion, or theory You use any pieces of information (facts, statistics, graphs, drawings) that are not common knowledge You quote another person’s actual spoken or written words You paraphrase another person’s spoken or written words

6 Plagiarism or Not? Downloading a paper from “” and turning it in as your own? Copying and pasting a portion of a paper from “” and writing the rest of the paper yourself? Taking information from another source and putting it in your own words (without citing the source)?

7 Plagiarism or Not? Taking your brother’s presentation from last year and turning it in as your own? Turning in a paper that your mother wrote for you? Quoting someone without putting their words inside quotation marks? Copying another student’s work? Forgetting to cite a source?

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