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Http:// Ecology Review Fall 2009 Ch 3-6.

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Presentation on theme: "Http:// Ecology Review Fall 2009 Ch 3-6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology Review
Fall 2009 Ch 3-6

2 Based on your research, why is Biodiversity important?
Biodiversity is the biological life support system of our planet! The more diverse an ecosystem, the more stable it is

3 What are some current threats to biodiversity?
Invasive species Habitat fragmentation Biological magnification of toxic compounds Human activity!

4 What is a density dependent limiting factor
What is a density dependent limiting factor? And what kind of populations does it affect? Factor that limits a population only when it becomes too dense Ex: Competition – Disease – Predation Only affects Large, Dense populations

5 What happens when a population gets larger than the carrying capacity?
The population must get smaller in some way Birth rate can Decline Death rate can rise Organisms will migrate out of the area

6 What is Carrying Capacity?
The total number of a specific population that can be supported by a given ecosystem

7 What are the two types of growth found in a population? Define each
Exponential – Organisms reproduce at a constant rate – there are no limiting factors to control the population size Logistic – Growth slows when carrying capacity is reached

8 What are the 3 characteristics that define a population?
Geographic Distribution – WHERE the population lives Density – HOW MANY per what area Growth rate – HOW FAST is the population reproducing

9 What two Biomes have the least precipitation?
Tundra and Desert

10 What types of relationships exist between organisms
What types of relationships exist between organisms? Give example of each Mutualism – Both species benefit – Flower and Bee Commensualism – One benefits, other is neither harmed or helped – Cattle bird and Cow Parasitism – One species benefits, other is harmed – Dog and Flea

11 Different species can occupy the same habitat only if they
Occupy a different Niche

12 What is the definition of Biotic? Abiotic? Give example
Biotic – Living Factors – Plant life Abiotic – Non-living factors - Climate

13 How do the movement of energy and that of nutrients differ?
Energy flows top down Nutrients recycle

14 What processes cycle Carbon through the atmosphere?
Respiration Photosynthesis Deposition Decomposition

15 What is Transpiration Evaporation of water through the stomata of a leaf

16 What happens to 90% of the energy in each trophic level?
Most is used for organisms life processes Rest is lost as heat

17 Define Herbivore, Carnivore, Omnivore, Detrivore, Decomposer
Herb – eats plants Carni – eats meat Omni – eats both plants and animals Detri – Eats dead or decaying organic material Decomposer – breaks down organic materials and returns nutrients to the soil

18 What is Biomass? Total amount of living tissue at a trophic level

19 What types of organisms make their own energy?
Producers Also called Autotrophs Photosynthetic Chemosynthetic

20 What are the levels of organization in an ecosystem, from small to big
Individual Population Community Ecosystem Biome Biosphere

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