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Athens and sparta Chapter 7, Section 2.

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1 Athens and sparta Chapter 7, Section 2

2 Living in sparta Life in Sparta was harsh and even cruel. Spartans were tough, silent and grim. Sparta was similar to other Greek cities initially. Events in 600 BC changed Sparta into a war machine.

3 Living in sparta Spartans lived by the rule that the city came first above personal needs. Conquered people became helots. Helots were slaves owned by the city-state of Sparta. Helots were treated very harshly.

4 Growing up in sparta Life of every Spartan was in the hands of the government. Spartan boys left home at the age of seven to start training to become warriors. They were expected to steal additional food to live.

5 Growing up in sparta Boys were expected to bear pain, hardship, and punishment in silence. At age 20, the young man became a soldier. They remained soldiers until the age of 60.

6 Growing up in sparta Only non slave males were citizens. Females were also trained and competed. Women were not soldiers, but the belief was if they grew up healthy, they would have healthy children.

7 Growing up in sparta Babies Women were allowed to own land and even take some part in business. They also had to obey the males. Spartans did not mingle with other Greeks.

8 Growing up in sparta Not allowed to travel. Looked down on the desire for wealth. Lacked interest in the arts. Known as great warriors.

9 The persians invade As the Persians gained land, the Greeks put aside their differences to join together to fight the Persians. Around 490 BC, the Persians landed at Marathon. The Athenians quickly put an army together that was half the size of the Persians.

10 The persians invade The Athenians rushed the Persians and defeated them. One other battle consisted of 200,000 Persians against 6000 Greeks. All but 300 Spartans left the battle.

11 Conflict and the Athenian Empire
The victory of the Greeks over the Persians increased their own self-worth. Created an alliance of city-states called Delian League. The island of Delian is where the treasury was kept.

12 Conflict and the Athenian Empire
As time went on, Athens treated them as subjects rather than allies. Athens used the league to expand its empire. The years following the Persian wars were the Golden Era.

13 Sparta and athens at war
As Athens grew more powerful, the other city-states began to resent them. The other city-states started to look to Sparta. Sparta formed the Peloponnesian League.

14 Sparta and athens at war
In 431 BC, Sparta and its allies started fighting Athens and its allies. The war lasted 27 years. When Sparta invaded Athens, the people around Athens took shelter inside the city walls.

15 Sparta and athens at war
The overcrowded conditions led to a plague. The plague lasted 5 years and killed 1/3 of the people. Sparta allied with Persia.

16 Sparta and athens at war
In 405 BC, the Spartans and Persians formed a blockade and cut off supplies to Athens. Athens surrendered in 404 BC.

17 HOMEWORk Read P Questions #1-3

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