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CHAMPs: Discussion C Conversation H Help A Activity M Movement P

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Presentation on theme: "CHAMPs: Discussion C Conversation H Help A Activity M Movement P"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAMPs: Discussion C Conversation H Help A Activity M Movement P
Yes. Stay on topic , it’s okay to respond without raising hand. H Help Ask teacher A Activity Discussion M Movement None P Participation Head up, contributing ideas.

2 Character Trait of the Day

3 Have you heard of EMPATHY?
What have you heard? It is not SYMPATHY. Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone.

4 Empathy is… When you LISTEN & understand others because you have experienced the same or something similar. When you’ve experienced the same thing, or something similar & you can genuinely tell them you know how they feel.

5 When you EMPATHIZE… You are able to “put yourself in someone else’s shoes” You are able and/or willing to look at things through their eyes.

6 Empathetic Conversation
If you have empathy, then you can have a Conversation where you disagree and still continue the discussion. We agree to disagree…. And that’s OK!

7 Sympathy vs. Empathy Sympathy means you feel sorry for someone; empathy is when you identify with them because you’ve been through something similar.

8 Can you EMPATHIZE? A cancer support group can empathize with the chemo therapy of a member and understand his/her fear b/c they have experienced the same A NA or AA group can empathize with other people in the group b/c they have battled addictions too. I can empathize with your fear of snakes because I am scared of spiders. My grandfather died 2 years ago, I can empathize with you and the loss of your friend or family member. I understand you don’t like school, I can empathize with that frustration b/c high school was tough for me too.

9 The KEY to Empathy is… …taking the time to understand another human being

10 How can you EMPATHIZE with…
Disabled person Bus driver Me Drug Addict Someone on probation Someone on E.M. A parent An annoying student The Ice Cream man I picked ice cream man b/c a student once told me a story about how his friends robbed the ice cream man and he made them return the money. The ice cream man works long hard days in the sun pushing his cart to make a small amount of money to provide for his family. We can empathize with him because we know people that work hard to barely support their family. If someone steals from the ice cream man, they are stealing from his family and we can imagine what it would be like to have someone steal from our family. We try to put ourselves in the ice cream man’s shoes: working hard to support family, doing whatever it takes.

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