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Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

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1 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

2 Let’s Review Matter is transferred among organisms in an ecosystem when organisms eat, or are eaten by others for food.  How do organisms obtain energy from food? All organisms, including plants, require food for survival

3 Cell Energy (Photosynthesis and Respiration)
Energy for living things comes from food. Originally, the energy in food comes from the sun.

4 Review Energy can change from one form to another in living things. Animals get energy from oxidizing their food, releasing some of its energy as heat. Almost all food energy comes originally from sunlight.

5 Review Continued Chemical energy is transferred from one organism in an ecosystem to another as the organisms interact with each other for food.

6 Review The atoms that make up the organisms in an ecosystem are cycled repeatedly between the living and nonliving parts of the ecosystem. 

7 Review As in all material systems, the total amount of matter remains constant, even though its form and location change.

8 Two ways to get food “troph” = food Autotrophs Heterotrophs
Auto = self Autotrophs make their own food Heterotrophs Hetero = different Heterotrophs get their food from something else (they have to eat it)

9 Two ways to get food Autotrophs Plants Heterotrophs Animals

10 Photosynthesis

11 Photosynthesis Converts the sun’s energy into chemical energy stored in sugar Takes place in specialized structures inside plant cells called chloroplasts Chlorophyll is the pigment that absorbs sunlight.

12 Photosynthesis Reaction
6CO2 + 6 H2O + light energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2 The food plants make is called glucose (sugar)

13 Photosynthesis 2 different reactions Light Reactions Calvin Cycle
Capture light energy for photosynthesis Calvin Cycle Produces glucose sugar



16 Cellular Respiration Cells Breathing

17 Cellular Respiration Cellular respiration is a process in which cells use oxygen to release energy stored in sugars. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of cellular respiration. CO2 must then be removed from the cells.

18 Cellular Respiration cellular respiration is the process by which stored chemical energy in substances is broken down and converted into energy that can be used by the cell. cellular respiration takes place in the cell, specifically in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells.

19 Cellular Respiration Happens in both plant and animal cells
Overall Reaction: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O

20 Cellular Respiration Overview
Depends on whether or not there is oxygen Aero = oxygen Aerobic Respiration – makes energy Anaerobic Respiration – Fermentation (makes alcohol)

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