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Africa – Unpacking the Standards

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1 Africa – Unpacking the Standards
Mrs. Tucker 7th Grade World History/Honors Cobalt Institute of Math and Science

2 Africa: 3.1 – Unpacking the Standards
Describe Africa’s varied landscapes Africa has a vast and varied landscape made up of shifting sand dunes, rain forests, sweeping savannas, large deserts, and coastal plains. Explain how West African Empires grew rich from trade. The West African Empires grew rich from trading gold and salt. They also grew rich from taxing traders as they passed through Discuss how Africa’s rain forests protected it from invaders and provided resources The African rain forests protected itself from invaders easily because of the borders that surrounded them. They established their own kingdoms and empires. The rain forest also provided them with many natural resources. Explain how East African kingdoms became the centers for trade and ideas. East African Kingdoms became the centers for trade and ideas because they were located near the Red Sea. Goods flowed into Africa from the Ancient Mediterranean and East Asian Worlds into Axum (East Africa).

3 Africa: 3.2 - Unpacking the Standards
Describe how traditional African religions provided a guide for living together. Their beliefs served similar purposes, they provided not only rules for which they should live by, but also helped people stay in touch with their history. Explain how the growth of West African empires led to the growth of governments ruled by kings. With growth, Africans developed new ways to govern themselves by creating a central authority (king). Both rulers and the people benefitted, merchants received favors from the kings, and kings received taxes from the merchants Local rulers kept some power, and in return received their loyalty. This allowed their kingdoms to grow richer and to extend their control over a larger area. Identify the role of Islam in Medieval Africa. Islam was popular in cities where traders and rulers accepted it by choice because it helped them trade with Muslim Arabs Africans who accepted Islam also adopted Islamic laws and ideas Advanced learning because the Muslim schools drew in students from all parts of Africa and introduced the Arabic language. This in return helped pass along their culture and history Influenced their art, buildings, mosques, and palaces.

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