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October 29, 2015 Bellwork: Conflict

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1 October 29, 2015 Bellwork: Conflict
Please take your journal, a textbook, and the packet from the table. In your journal, name at least two types of conflict shown when Odysseus meets the Cyclops. Character vs. character Character vs. self Character vs. nature Character vs. society Describe each conflict and explain how the conflict is one of the categories above.

2 Open-Ended Questions PBA
Place on your desk the following items: Your textbook (open to page 863) Your Epic and Epic Hero Notes Your prewriting sheet (CAPE or notebook) Your Open-Ended Questions Performance-Based Assessment Packet Please be ready to go to allow you the most time to properly finish the assessment.

3 Let’s discuss #1 In The Odyssey, Odysseus fits the definition of an epic hero by ______________________. Find lines from the poem that shows each attribute and quote the part of that line that shows it. Odysseus “(your textual evidence)”(line#). Explain how or why this evidence shows that epic hero trait. (Do this twice.)

4 Types of Conflict to consider for #2
External conflict Character vs. character Character vs. nature Character vs. society Internal conflict Character vs. self

5 Ideas to consider for #3 and #4
Characterize—another word for describe #4 Pride—Do believe Homer attempts to display pride as positive or negative?

6 Types of Figurative language to consider for #5
Personification Giving nonhuman things human qualities Metaphor A figurative comparison not using like or as where one thing is stated to be another thing Simile A figurative comparison using like or as Make sure to explain your example(s) What is the figurative language representing? How does it help?

7 Ideas to Consider Remember:
Your first sentence answers the questions and refers back to the question. You need textual evidence in each answer (an actual quote). Put the line number for the evidence in parentheses at end of the sentence. Explain (how or why) your textual evidence proves your first sentence.

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