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Uni3 A healthy life Warming up & Reading 厦门大学附属实验中学 周丽华.

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1 Uni3 A healthy life Warming up & Reading 厦门大学附属实验中学 周丽华


3 The first wealth is _______
Proverbs health He who has ______ has hope,he who has hope has everything. health The first wealth is _______

4 depression cancer mind a disease in ________ a disease in ________

5 What is a truly healthy person?
A truly healthy person should be healthy in both and What is a truly healthy person? body mind


7 Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?
look cool give them energy get rid of boredom and loneliness satisfy their curiosity release their pressure imitate adults ....

8 Reading Advice from Grandad

9 Reading comprehending
Go through the passage and find out some information about the letter and get the main idea of the passage. 1.Who? 2.To whom? 3.Purpose? James' grandfather James to give James some advice and encourage him to quit smoking

10 Please skim the passage and match the topic sentence of each paragraph.
B Grandad talks about James’ problem of smoking. The harmful effects of smoking. Grandad tells about the life he is living and the importance of healthy life. Grandad’s hope for James and his advice on stopping smoking. The three different ways of becoming addicted. Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 C A E B D

11 Harmful effects of smoking
Scan the passage and list harmful effects of smoking. Harmful effects of smoking Damaging the heart and 1. ________ lungs Difficult to become 2. ________ pregnant Lighter or 3. ________ babies abnormal Smelly4. ________ and clothes. breath 5. ________ ends of fingers Yellow Affecting the health of 7__________ non-smokers sports Becoming breathless quickly and not enjoying 6. ________

12 Discuss these question in groups to
check your comprehesion. 1.In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking? A. Using scientific theory. B. His failure in love. C. His sports activity. . His own experience. D

13 2.The phrase “ withdrawl symptoms” in
para3 probably means ______. A. some bad effects of smoking. B. bad temper C. feeling pain . the discomfort when stopping smoking. D

14 3.The reason why Grandad stopped smoking
were the following EXCEPT that___. A. his girlfriend didn’t like his bad smell B. he had to leave the football team C. he noticed that he became breathless . his parents asked him to stop smoking D

15 What kind of person do you think James' grandfather is?
be fit and healthy lead an active life. take an interest in daughter's and his grandson's well-being. be knowledgeable. appears to love his gandson.

16 Role play Choose two members in your groups to act James and his grandad.Then make dialogues about smoking.

17 How can I stop smoking? Choose a day that is not _________ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the __________ you will get from stopping smoking. ___________ all your cigarettes. Develop some other habits to keep yourself _____. You can stop smoking with a _______ or join a group. If necessary, ask a doctor or _________ for help. The most important thing is to keep _______. Don't feel ________ if you________ and have a cigarette.You will _______ eventually. stressful benefits Throw away busy friend chemist trying ashamed weaken succeed

18 What do you think can be done to protect non-smokers from those who smoke?
1.a no-smoking policy in public places. 2.separate smoking and non-smoking. 3.hilight the dangers of smoking. ....


20 Discussion Suppose you are the one that the childen talked to in this short video, what will you do next ?And why?

21 HOMEWORK 1.Search more information about how to stop smoking.
2.Make a poster of banning smoking.

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