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Heart Rate HEART RATE.

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Presentation on theme: "Heart Rate HEART RATE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heart Rate HEART RATE

2 How do we measure how hard you are working?


4 HEART RATE Your heart rate is a good gauge of how hard your body is working. (Intensity) Resting Heart Rate: The number of times your heart beats in one minute at rest. Target Heart Rate:(how hard your heart should be working during exercise) Recovery Heart Rate: How long your heart rate takes to returns to normal

5 (# of beats in 6 seconds X 10)
Physical Activities Heart Rate (# of beats in 6 seconds X ) Sitting in a chair _______X________ =_______ Standing for 2 minutes  _______X________ =_______ After walking at a slow pace for 2 minutes Speed walking for 2 minutes Jogging in place for 2 minutes Jumping jacks for 2 minutes Run in place for 2 minutes

6 Your Target Heart Rate Zone
What zone should a year olds heart rate be in during their activity? BPR

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