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Branches of Government Blufferama!

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Presentation on theme: "Branches of Government Blufferama!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Branches of Government Blufferama!
Government – Unit 2

2 Group 1: Question 1 What are the Constitutional requirements to become a member of the House of Representatives?

3 Group 1: Question 1 Answer
25 years old, citizen for 7 years, resident of the state

4 Group 2: Question 1 What are the Constitutional requirements to become a Senator?

5 Group 2: Question 1 Answer
30 years old, citizen for 9 years, resident of the state

6 Group 1: Question 2 How many members are in the Senate?

7 Group 1: Question 2 Answer

8 Group 2: Question 2 How many members are in the House of Representatives?

9 Group 2: Question 2 Answer

10 Group 1: Question 3 Who is the leader of the Senate?

11 Group 1: Question 3 Answer
President of the senate = vice president of the United States

12 Group 2: Question 3 Who is the leader of the House of Representatives?

13 Group 2: Question 3 Answer
The Speaker of the House

14 Group 1: Question 4 In the Judicial Branch, what is a Concurrent Opinion?

15 Group 1: Question 4 Answer
An opinion written by someone who agrees with the Majority Opinion but for different reasons

16 Group 2: Question 4 In the Judicial Branch, what is a Dissenting Opinion?

17 Group 2: Question 4 Answer
An opinion written by someone who disagrees with the Majority Opinion

18 Group 1: Question 5 What type of Jurisdiction does a court have if it can hear the case for the first time?

19 Group 1: Question 5 Answer
Original Jurisdiction

20 Group 2: Question 5 What type of Jurisdiction does a court have if it hears cases on appeal?

21 Group 2: Question 5 Answer
Appellate Jurisdiction

22 Group 1: Question 6 What is the State Department in charge of?

23 Group 1: Question 6 Answer
Mostly foreign policy

24 Group 2: Question 6 What is the Defense Department in charge of?

25 Group 2: Question 6 Answer
Mostly national defense and the military

26 Group 1: Question 7 Who can introduce a bill to Congress?

27 Group 1: Question 7 Answer
A member of Congress

28 Group 2: Question 7 Who can come up with an idea for a Bill?

29 Group 2: Question 7 Answer

30 Group 1: Question 8 What is a Filibuster?

31 Group 1: Question 8 Answer
Talking a bill to death, delaying a bill, etc.

32 Group 2: Question 8 Who is allowed to filibuster?

33 Group 2: Question 8 Answer

34 Group 1: Question 9 What amendment establishes presidential succession?

35 Group 1: Question 9 Answer
25th Amendment

36 Group 2: Question 9 What amendment establishes term limits for the president?

37 Group 2: Question 9 Answer

38 Group 1: Question 10 How can a bill become a law without the president’s signature?

39 Group 1: Question 10 Answer
He doesn’t act on it within 10 days and Congress is still in session

40 Group 2: Question 10 How can a bill get rejected without the president officially vetoing it?

41 Group 2: Question 10 Answer
He doesn’t act on it within 10 days and the session of Congress ends

42 Group 1: Question 11 What gives Congress implied powers?

43 Group 1: Question 11 Answer
Necessary and Proper or Elastic Clause

44 Group 2: Question 11 What powers does the national government have simply because it’s a national government?

45 Group 2: Question 11 Answer
Inherent Powers

46 Group 1: Question 12 List at least two expressed powers of Congress.

47 Group 1: Question 12 Answer
Tax Declare War Borrow Money Naturalization Regulate interstate commerce Establish a post office Etc. Coin Money

48 Group 2: Question 12 List at least two roles of the president.

49 Group 2: Question 12 Answer
Chief of state Commander in Chief Chief executive Chief Legislator Chief administrator Chief of Party Chief Diplomat Chief Citizen

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