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Presentation on theme: "Muscles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscles

2 What is a Muscle? A group of muscle cells working together.
What is that called? Tissue You have over 600 muscles in your body. Muscles ALWAYS work in pairs.

3 Involuntary Muscles you cannot control. Breathing Heartbeat Digestion

4 Voluntary These muscles are under your control. Smiling Sports Texting

5 Three Types of Muscles Cardiac Skeletal Smooth

6 Cardiac Muscle Our Heart
Like smooth muscle, cardiac muscle is involuntary. Cardiac muscle does not get tired.

7 Skeletal Muscle Voluntary Muscles
Muscles attached to our skeletal system These muscles allow us to move. Each muscle is attached to a bone by a tendon.

8 Smooth Muscle Involuntary muscle Line many of our internal organs.
Stomach Blood vessels Churning in stomach. React slowly and get tired slowly.

9 Muscles at Work Muscles always work in pairs. So, one side contracts
Gets shorter and thicker. And the other muscle relaxes.

10 Activity. Ruler, twist tie/wire

11 Taking Care of Your Muscles
If you don’t use it, you lose it. Exercise causes the muscle to become thicker. The thicker the muscle, the stronger it is. Always warm up.

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