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Unit 2: Interpersonal Communications and Relationships

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1 Unit 2: Interpersonal Communications and Relationships
9.ICR.1. Understand healthy and effective interpersonal communication and relationships 9.ICR.1.1. Illustrate the ability to respond to others with empathy

2 Today Discuss what empathy is and why it is an important part of communication By the end of this lesson, you will be able to demonstrate the ability to respond with empathy

3 Review Effective communication skills 1. self-discourse (communicating) 2. listening 3. feedback 65% of communication is non-verbal!!!!!!

4 Focus: introduce stereotypes, listening to other viewpoints, and showing empathy
I will be making several statements. If one applies to a student then he or she will stand up Ex. If you are a female… Volunteer to respond with an answer that counters a stereotype of the person mentioned Ex. Just because I am a female, doesn't mean I am supposed to be a good cook Just because I am….Doesn’t mean I am!

5 Empathy Experiencing emotions that match another person’s emotions
Feeling a concern for other people that creates a desire to help them

6 Why is empathy important to relationships?
Taking time to communicate and listen to each other A person tries to truly understand you Quality of good friend or companion Encourages the other person to be who they are Helps prevent emotional problems Encourages person to be who they are

7 4 Steps to Empathy Listen intently Identify the other person’s feeling
Accept their feeling Verbalize their feeling

8 Empathy is NOT “I hate that I missed my free throws that would have won us the state championship. My life is over” “Yeah, those were two really ugly shots you took in front of all our friends”

9 Empathic Listening is “I know you wish you made the points, but its going to be ok. Trust me, I’ve made mistakes and soon enough they are forgotten. Our friends aren’t going to be mad at you.” “I think she likes me, but whenever I ask her out she always has something to do.” “So, you feel confused about whether she likes you or not?”

10 Empathy deepens friendships and relationships
Listen. Don’t fake it that you know how he/she feels or what is best Don’t lecture, blame, fix, interrupt, moralize Simply being there is the best way to respond If serious- guide person to help

11 Guided Practice Respond with Empathy Situations
Analyze situations and how the person in the situation could respond using empathy The simple way to respond may not be the best response or most helpful

12 How does it feel when expressing something to someone and that person listens poorly or does not think about your feelings or what you are going through when responding?

13 Independent Practice Create a comic strip that illustrates a specific situation and a response with empathy

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