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Elise, Christina, Bri Ivy Tech Community College

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1 Elise, Christina, Bri Ivy Tech Community College
Technology Elise, Christina, Bri Ivy Tech Community College

2 Standard # 5: Application of Content
InTASC Standards Standard # 5: Application of Content The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues. Name of Artifact: Research Project Date: December 2015 Course: EDUC 240: Phy & Hlth Education

3 InTASC Standards Brief Description: In this assignment, I was required to work with a group to form a PowerPoint over technology and how it affects health and wellness globally. Rationale: To document our understanding of Standard #5: Application of Content, I have selected to include my Research Project, because it required me to create a project with a group of students using my communication skills as well as understand how this topic affects the worlds health and wellness.

4 Amount of time Negative/Positive Effects Use of technology

5 Amount of Time Pros How we watch TV How we read Abundant resources
Helping us adapt to the world

6 Amount of time Cons Killed the greeting card How we communicate
How people parent Impair vision

7 Visuals

8 Using Technology Pros Research Globalization Online Courses
Food Requirements

9 Using Technology Cons Addiction Divorce/Friend getting into fights
Health Threats Environmental Threats

10 Video Visual

11 References Positive and Negative Effects of Technology on Our Lives - Impacts. (2013, September 10). Retrieved October 21, McCoy, W. (2010). Five Positive Effects of Technology on Education. Retrieved October 21, The Positive Effects Technology Has On Children |Babble. (2013, August 30). Retrieved November 2, 2015, from Bing. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2015, from & view = detailv2&&id=31BD568D064E90E77BD91BD39001C4F7F1CB491A&selectedIndex Google Images

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