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Spring 2019 Writing: Examiner/Proctor Training

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1 Spring 2019 Writing: Examiner/Proctor Training
March 2019 Spring 2019 Writing: Examiner/Proctor Training

2 Disclaimer This presentation is not mean to be the only document Test Examiners and Proctors use in preparing for your school’s testing. It is designed to be a guide. The Examiner’s Manual should be read in its entirety prior to testing. Any documented given to you by your STC (i.e., Read Aloud Guidelines) should also be read prior to testing. All guidelines established by the Virginia Department of Education and Montgomery County Schools must be followed.

3 Examiner/Proctor What is the difference between an examiner and a proctor for Standards of Learning (SOL) testing? As defined in the Examiner’s Manual: An “Examiner” is responsible for administering the SOL tests according to the procedures outlined in the Examiner’s Manual and for maintaining security of test materials.

4 Examiner/Proctor As defined in the Examiner’s Manual:
A “Proctor” works with the examiner in administering the SOL tests and assists in maintaining an appropriate testing environment. A proctor may be called upon to verify that: the test was administered according to the procedures outlined in the Examiner’s Manual, the security of test materials was maintained, and students did not receive inappropriate assistance on the test.

5 Examiners/Proctors The training expectations for SOL Test Examiners and SOL Test Proctors are the same.

6 Important Reminders

7 Important Reminders for 2018-2019
Use Practice Tests Prior to Testing Students must be familiar with their test’s tools and materials and with the online test format before testing for the first time. Students (and testing staff) should practice various functions of testing. Use the resources listed in the Prepare Students for Testing section of the Examiner’s Manual for the available resources. Testing Directions Updates Feedback indicated the test directions were too long so VDOE shortened some directions, phrases, and removed guidance that should be covered in training: Removed the direction: “Take a moment to review the different tools” Removed the explanation of the function of the Review and Bookmark buttons Removed some detail regarding Technology Enhanced Items

8 Important Reminders for 2018-2019
Testing Directions Updates Additional “SAY” Directions Examiner’s Manuals provide directions at the end of each test’s directions (after the Monitoring Section) for assistance navigating the end-of-test screens: Assistance with how to navigate back to test questions/prompt (non-CAT) Directions regarding the extra step required for submitting the Writing test Assistance with how to submit the test TestNav8: Audio Player Updated The audio player was updated for fall 2017 The audio player speed settings can be changed to make the audio recording play at a faster or slower rate Use audio practice items to familiarize students with this new feature—on the TestNav8 site—not the training site

9 Important Reminders for 2018-2019
Audio Player Example “Normal” (default) setting is recommended Click on the gear, then click on “Normal” to see the dropdown menu of available speed settings

10 Important Reminders for 2018-2019
Several sections of the Examiner’s Manual have been updated to include policy updates and to provide clarification or additional information Appendix B and an accommodation code assignment Adjustments have been made to some existing accommodations: Headphones, ear muffs, or ear plugs have been added to code 5 The noise dampening items may be worn to reduce distractions during the SOL assessment The headphones, ear muffs, or ear plugs may not be connected to any music, phone, or electronic device

11 Important Reminders for 2018-2019
Read-Aloud The Guidance for Reading Tests Aloud—Information for all Assessments section has been updated. The examiner must only read the text contained within a graphic exactly as written using a natural tone. Test accommodations for English Learners (ELs): Updates have been made to some existing accommodations. Formerly ELs, Monitor Year 1 and Monitor Year 2, are eligible for direct and indirect testing accommodations. Formerly ELs Year 3 and Year 4 are not eligible for direct and indirect testing accommodations. Formerly ELs may not receive any test exemptions. The guidelines for reading tests aloud have been updated for reading text contained within a graphic The Direct and Indirect Linguistic Testing Accommodations for ELs table has been simplified.

12 Important Reminders for 2018-2019
Accommodations must be in listed in the student’s IEP/504/ESL plan Specific Verbal Prompts to keep student focused on the test—must be specific in plan “Please continue with your test.” “Keep working.” “Keep going.” “Focus.” “Stay focused.” Any other verbal prompts would need to have been approved by the VDOE Assessment Division.

13 Examiner’s Responsibilities and Activities: Before SOL Testing

14 SOL Test Security All examiners and proctors must:
Read the Virginia law regarding the consequences of violating test security procedures, including: Actions for violations of test security procedures (§22.1–19.1) Violation of test security procedures: Revocation of license (§22.1–292.1) Read, understand, and sign the School Division Personnel Test Security Agreement Ask all questions before signing Questions should be directed to the School Test Coordinator (STC)

15 Cheating Please discuss with students the consequences of cheating
Two days of ISS Student will receive a zero on the assessment Student CANNOT retake the SOL during the current administration

16 Electronic Devices Students may not access any electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, e-books, tablets, games, smart watches, etc. during SOL testing. We make no distinction with smart watches. For example, any student with a Fitbit Flex must turn it in just as a student will need to turn in an Apple watch. MCPS division guidelines for electronic devices confiscated during SOL testing The device will be checked for pictures of the test, texts, etc. The student will receive two days ISS. Parents must pick the device up from the school. Student WILL take an alternate form of the test (as mandated by the VDOE) Send a “robo” call the night before testing to remind parents and students

17 Electronic Devices MCPS procedures for limiting students’ access to all electronic devices during SOL testing. Students should leave electronic devices in their locker or Surrender them prior to testing—placed in a plastic baggie and kept at the front of the room The consequences of accessing electronic devices during must be discussed with students prior to testing. The STC will share your school’s process for this discussion. Any incident in which a student accesses an electronic device during SOL testing is an irregularity and must be reported immediately to your STC.

18 Prepare Students Prepare your students for testing prior to test day using the Practice items using TestNav 8 – Guides can be found on the VDOE website: The day of the test should not be first time a student uses TestNav 8. The day before testing, remind students to: get a good night’s sleep eat a good breakfast remind them no electronic devices allowed during test

19 Secure Test Materials Know the process for receiving secure testing materials from your STC. Counting and checking that you have all required materials takes time, so plan accordingly. Secure testing materials may include test tickets, test booklets, or writing prompts.

20 Secure Test Materials Examiners must count all secure testing materials issued. Examiners must sign a transmittal form after verifying the amount of secure materials received. If there is a discrepancy between what is listed on the transmittal form and what the Examiner counts, adjustments must be made prior to signing the transmittal form.

21 Non-Secure Test Materials
Non-secure testing materials are listed in each Examiner’s Manual and vary by test. Examples may include unused scratch paper, pencil or pen, calculator, etc. All scratch paper becomes secure when it is handed out to students and must be accounted for after testing. Know what you should expect to receive for the student(s) you are responsible for testing.

22 Test Site Preparation Remove or cover all curricular materials related to test content and test-taking strategies that might influence student performance or provide an unfair advantage to students. These materials include but are not limited to: class notes, study guides, maps, timelines, graphic organizers, charts, posters, projections, computer programs, textbooks, dry-erase board displays, chalk board displays, bulletin board displays, word walls, etc. Placing physical barriers, free of any writing or graphics, between workstations is sometimes helpful in preventing students from viewing each other’s computer monitors.

23 Test Site Preparation Testing rooms should be quiet, well lighted, and well ventilated. Report problems to the STC. Each student’s work space should be clear of books and other materials not required for the test, and it should be large enough to accommodate required testing materials. Plan appropriately to avoid overcrowding. Seating should be arranged to discourage students from viewing or copying one another’s work and from communicating with one another during testing. Students must not have access to cell phones or other devices that are capable of providing an advantage.

24 Accommodations for Students
Examiners should be familiar with any special testing accommodations required for each student in the testing group prior to the day of testing. Special testing accommodations may vary by test. It is important to provide accommodations needed for the specific test being administered each day.

25 Accommodations for Students
Coordinate with the STC how special test accommodations will be provided to students in the testing group. Use the Accommodations Matrix—Mandatory for MCPS Attach the student’s SOL accommodation’s page from the plan One-on-one testing Small-group testing Must be included in the regular classroom Descriptions of special test accommodations are included in each Examiner’s Manual.

26 School Testing Schedule
Examiners should be aware of the overall testing schedule in their building. Based on the schedule in their school, examiners should review the procedures outlined in the Examiner’s Manual. For example, breaks that are student-initiated

27 Procedures for Contacting STC
Know the procedure for contacting the STC during testing. The STC will describe the procedure and provide examples of situations for which s/he should be contacted.

28 There is no substitute for
Remember….. Read all the manuals issued to you. Ask questions before the morning of testing. If you are unsure of any policies and procedures, ask the STC for guidance. If you are unsure of how to handle a situation that arises during testing, stop and ask the STC for guidance rather than allowing students to continue testing. There is no substitute for reading the manuals.

29 Examiner’s Responsibilities and Activities: During SOL Testing

30 Contacting the STC The STC is the liaison between your school and the Division Director of Testing. When testing, do not bypass your STC. Something you think may be minor could actually be an irregularity. If a situation occurs in which you must contact the STC during testing, the integrity of the testing environment must be maintained in order for testing to continue. If you are unsure of how to handle a situation that arises during testing, stop and ask the STC for guidance rather than allowing students to continue testing.

31 Test Site Preparation To help prevent irregularities, carefully check the test room on the day of testing before distributing any test materials to students. Do not assume the test sites are ready, including rooms used as alternate test sites. Ensure the test site is ready for testing, even if the room was used previously to administer tests to students. Ensure all rooms used for testing have been properly prepared so that test-taking strategies and content information are not visible. It may be helpful to place a “Testing: DO NOT DISTURB” sign on the door.

32 Test Site Preparation Arrange seating to discourage students from viewing or copying one another’s work and from communicating with one another. Examiners must ensure students do not have access to unauthorized materials within the room or in desks. Make sure all desks/workstations are clear of all materials not needed/authorized for testing. Have students place book bags and other materials away from the desks/workstations. Make sure students do not have access to cell phones or other electronic devices.

33 Getting Started Be sure students receive their own test ticket
Watch for students with similar names or siblings Students should sign their name on the test ticket Students should put their device ID on the test ticket Students should check to be sure that it is their name on the screen after they log into TestNav If you are reading word-for-word from the Examiner’s Manual, directions are in place that cover this!!! Students should know they do not have the correct test ticket. If the student is in an audio or read aloud test session, look for the appropriate icon on the test ticket before starting the test Audio Read Aloud

34 Getting Started Read the directions for students (in bold type) from the Examiner’s Manual exactly as written. If a mistake is made in reading a direction, use the verbiage provided in the Examiner’s Manual, then read the direction again. Reading incorrect directions (or not at all) is an irregularity that must be filed with the STC. Unless otherwise noted in the Troubleshooting section of the Examiner’s Manual, examiners must not touch a student’s mouse, keyboard, or computer screen. Problems with technology should be reported to the STC. Exception—See New for for students with an IEP/504/ESL plan—accommodation code 25 No one, besides the student, must ever use a student’s test ticket to log in to TestNav for any reason.

35 Distributing Test Materials
Distribute the test materials exactly as prescribed in the Examiner’s Manual. All materials must be distributed directly by the examiner to each individual student, Examiners must never have students pass testing materials, scratch paper, etc., to each other. Keep track of the amount of scratch paper distributed to each student in order to know exactly how much scratch paper to collect from each student. Students should write their name on each piece of scratch paper. This helps with accountability.

36 Absent Students Report absent students to the STC.
Put a diagonal slash through the test ticket and write “Absent” at the top.

37 Monitoring Students Test Examiners and Proctors should not be: Reading
Grading papers Using electronic devices (except to contact the STC ) Working/playing on the computer Talking to a friend

38 Accommodations for Students
If, on the day of testing, an examiner is unsure about a student’s testing accommodations, the examiner should seek clarification from the STC before the student begins testing. Do not make assumptions on your own. Specific information regarding testing accommodations is located in Appendices B and C of the Examiner’s Manual. PLEASE READ AS THERE ARE SEVERAL CHANGES THIS YEAR. Examiners administering read-aloud tests must consult the Guidelines for Administering the Read-Aloud Accommodation for Standards of Learning Assessments AND listen to the TestNav 8 audio version of the Practice Test.

39 Irregularities A testing irregularity is anything that occurs while a student is testing that: inappropriately influences student performance; inappropriately influences the reporting of student performance; constitutes a breach in test security; or results in the improper implementation of mandatory student testing. ALL testing irregularities must be reported immediately to the STC.

40 Irregularities Examiners must know the school and division’s protocol for reporting testing irregularities. The STC will report all irregularities to the DDOT. All testing irregularities must be documented and forwarded to the DDOT. The Test Irregularity Form in the Examiner’s Manual may be used to document the irregularity initially for your STC. Please provide all appropriate information: Student’s legal name STI (101…) Correct form of the test

41 Irregularities Examples of irregularities are included in the Examiner’s Manuals. Examples of test irregularities include, but are not limited to: A student becomes ill or has to leave for an appointment during testing and cannot finish the test. A student leaves the test setting without an escort or monitor and/or in groups of students. A student accesses a cell phone or other electronic device during testing. A student is observed cheating during the test. An adult provides inappropriate assistance to a student during testing. A student is provided with an inappropriate manipulative (e.g., calculator) during testing. A test ticket is missing.

42 Monitoring Test Sessions
Once students and the Test Examiner enter the testing room, all instruction and/or review of the content covered by the test or discussion of testing strategies must stop. Monitor test sessions by moving as unobtrusively as possible about the room and ensure that students are working independently. Off Seat/On Feet

43 Monitoring Test Sessions
Examiners must not engage in any activities that interfere with monitoring testing. Such activities include but are not limited to reading, grading papers, using electronic devices, working/playing on the computer/tablet/cell phone, talking to a friend, etc. Examiners must not read test items, copy test items, take notes about the test, record student responses to test items, or discuss test items or test content with anyone during or after the test session. Help must not be given on any test item.

44 Monitoring Test Sessions
Examiners must not: leave students or test materials unattended for any length of time; Test Examiners must be in the room at all times—not in the hallway, not standing in the doorway, not in the room next door allow students to have access to cell phones and other electronic devices; or allow students to have access to any unauthorized materials.

45 Answer Student Questions
The Examiner’s Manuals provide directions for how to handle student questions that arise during testing. Follow the directions related to student questions in the Examiner’s Manuals exactly as written. Examiners must never read test questions/words. Reading a test question/word is a violation of test security.

46 Reporting Errors If a student reports an error in a test question and/or answer choices, the examiner must not read the test question; instead: Record the name of the student, subject area of test and level, the form number, question number, and a brief statement of the student’s concern. Tell the student that the concerns will be reported. Notify the STC of the student’s concern, and the STC will notify the Division Director of Testing (DDOT).

47 Reporting Errors Do not communicate information related to the test questions and/or answer choices through electronic mail or in any other manner that will jeopardize the security of the test item.

48 Technical Issues During Testing
If a technical issue arises during testing, CONTACT YOUR STC IMMEDIATELY. S/HE WILL THEN CONTACT THE DDOT—IN ALL SITUATIONS. An incident that you may think is incidental may in fact be an irregularity. If a technical issue impacts a student’s test: keep the student in the secure testing environment under testing conditions while awaiting assistance; refer to the Troubleshooting section of the Examiner’s Manual for directions regarding frequently encountered online test scenarios; and contact the STC immediately.

49 Extended Testing SOL tests are untimed but must be completed within one school day. Students who have not completed their tests at the end of the allotted time should be given additional time to finish and may be moved to an alternate location. When moving to an alternate location, students must be constantly and carefully monitored. Students must not: have access to any content materials or electronic devices; or interact with other students or discuss the test or course content in any way with anyone.

50 Extended Testing Students’ test materials (including all test tickets, test booklets/prompts, scratch paper, test manipulatives) must be carried by school personnel, trained in test security, from the original test site to the alternate location. The school must establish and follow procedures that ensure all materials are accounted for each time materials are transferred from one adult to the next.

51 Emergency Procedures If an emergency occurs, the safety of the students and the examiner is the first priority. The second priority is to secure test materials and student responses. Since emergency drills are not to be conducted during testing, any emergency notification should be considered real. Stay calm and follow the safety procedures established by your school and provided by your STC. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will determine the next steps for testing after receiving information from the DDOT regarding the emergency. Students should not resume testing until instructed by the STC.

52 Emergency Procedures The DDOT will provide VDOE information related to the emergency. Security of the test site Were test rooms locked? Did anyone access the room after the examiner and students left? Security of the test materials Were tests exited and/or computers shut down? Has examiner accounted for all test materials? Security of the test environment for students Did students interact? Did students have access to electronic devices? Did students have access to curricular materials? Did students remain under direct supervision of the examiner? Time remaining to complete testing

53 Emergency Procedures At the conclusion of the emergency, students must remain quiet and cannot communicate with one another while you await further instruction from the STC. VDOE will determine the next steps for testing after receiving information from the DDOT regarding the emergency.

54 Writing and the TestNav Process

55 Pre-Test Activities The TestNav Process
Examiner reads the Testing Directions, verbatim, from the Writing Examiner’s Manual The sign-in process has an additional step The sign-out process has an additional step

56 Writing Session Management
The TestNav Process, Sign In to TestNav Using their Testing Tickets, students sign in to TestNav:

57 Writing Session Management
The TestNav Process, Sign In to TestNav, continued, After students sign in, the “Available Tests” screen appears. This shows the MC/TEI component is unlocked and the Prompt (SP) is locked. If the MC/TEI component was locked (grey start button + lock symbol), the student should stay on this screen while the STC unlocks the MC component. Once that occurs, the student is told to select the Refresh button and the component will show as unlocked. Students select the blue Start button. Students complete the component.

58 Writing Session Management
The TestNav Process—End of Test Students complete the component and reach the End Test Screen. The MC/TEI End Test screen:

59 Writing Session Management
The TestNav Process—End of Test, continued The SP (Prompt) End Test screen, two scenarios: Scenario 1: A green circle with the check mark indicates the student wrote in the response space.

60 Writing Session Management
The TestNav Process, End of Test, continued Scenario 2: An Orange circle with the #1 indicates that the student wrote nothing in the response space.

61 Writing Session Management
The TestNav Process—End of Test, continued Examiners follow the directions in the Writing Examiner’s Manual, Section (for the MC/TEI component) and Section (for the Short Paper/Prompt component) If the student wants to go back to questions/short paper, the Examiner’s Manual provides the directions the Examiner gives the student to get back to the questions/response screen. If the student wants to submit answers, the Examiner gives the student directions to select the Submit Final Answers button. The screen appears:

62 Writing Session Management
The TestNav Process—End of Test, continued After Submit Final Answers is selected, the Test Submit Warning screen appears: To go back to questions, the student selects No, Cancel, then selects the Review button. To submit, the student selects, Yes, Submit Final Answers.

63 Writing Session Management
The TestNav Process—End of Test, continued After submitting, the student is brought back to the Available Tests screen: The student may not complete the second component on the same day as the first component. Therefore, the student must be directed to Sign Out of TestNav.

64 Writing Session Management
The TestNav Process—End of Test, continued At the top of the screen, the student selects the User Drop Down, then selects the “Sign Out of TestNav”: After the student signs out, the sign out confirmation screen appears:

65 Writing Session Management
The TestNav Process—Sign Out of TestNav Students should leave the Sign Out Complete screen showing until either dismissed from the test room or until their testing device is shut down. This prevents students from accessing software applications or the internet and disrupting those still testing.

66 Examiner’s Responsibilities and Activities: After SOL Testing

67 Collecting Test Materials
Collect test materials from each student as they complete the test according to the directions in the Examiner’s Manual. Collecting and accounting for all materials distributed to each student is imperative. Once scratch paper has been distributed to students during testing, it is considered secure test material. All scratch paper, used and unused, that was distributed to students must be collected from individual students and returned to the STC. Please read these guidelines carefully. I don’t want to do an irregularity because we incorrectly marked a student’s test complete.

68 Returning Test Materials
The STC will count all test materials returned by the examiner—in your presence—and verify the counts match the transmittal form, and initial the transmittal form. The examiner will sign the Examiner’s/Proctor’s Affidavit. All test materials must be transferred to the next location (test site for extended testing or secure testing materials storage room) by an adult who counts the materials and maintains the security of the materials during transfer. Please read these guidelines carefully. I don’t want to do an irregularity because we incorrectly marked a student’s test complete.

69 Maintaining Test Security
Do not discuss the test at any time with anyone. Discussing the test or any test content is a violation of the School Division Personnel Test Security Agreement.

70 Reminders Read all applicable manuals prior to testing.
If at all possible, ask questions prior to the first day of testing. This helps testing days run smoothly. Report any situations which could be potential test irregularities to your STC as soon as they occur.

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