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Life for Chicanos.

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Presentation on theme: "Life for Chicanos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life for Chicanos

2 What is a “Chicano”? Americans who are of Mexican descent
Used as a way of showing they were proud of their hertiage Most lived in California or the Southwest in the early 20th century

3 Let’s back up… After the Mexican American War ended in 1848, the US annexed what is modern day California Arizona New Mexico Texas Nevada 77,000 Mexicans became Americans

4 Chicanos Face Discrimination
Considered “white” by US government Considered “Mexican” in society Portrayed as “disloyal” during WWII Attended separate schools “No Dogs or Mexicans”

5 Problems for Chicanos Work:
Many were considered to have low-skill levels Could only find jobs as Migrant Workers Paid VERY low wages $.90 an hour, minimum wage was $1.25 Deported if they asked for higher wages Pesticides were sprayed on the fields

6 Problems for Chicanos Education:
Because families had to move, children did not stay in one school for very long Segregation English proficiency limited Teachers didn’t know what to do 50% drop out rate BEFORE high school

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