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___________________(Region) _____________ (Region)

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Presentation on theme: "___________________(Region) _____________ (Region)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ___________________(Region) _____________ (Region)
NAME: _________________ ___________________(Region) ____________________ Mountains _______________________ (Region) _____________ _____________ (Region) ______________________ River ________________________ (Region) ____________ ___________ (Physical Feature) __________ (city) __________ (city) __________ (city) __________ (city) ________________________ (Region) __________________________ River ______________ (Physical Feature) ____________________ (Physical Feature) _______________ (Physical Feature) ______________ River Use the maps provided in the textbook to label and fill-in your map. (Use the table of contents for Maps on page xi to decide which map you need to use to find each feature.) Make sure you identify all the items listed here and make your map neat. Use colored pencils to shade in each geographic region of Georgia. Geographic Regions: Rivers: (trace w/ marker) - Appalachian Plateau Chattahoochee - Blue Ridge Savannah - Coastal Plain St. Mary’s - Piedmont - Ridge and Valley Physical Features: - Appalachian Mountains Cities: Barrier Islands - Atlanta Continental Shelf - Augusta Fall Line - Macon Okefenokee Swamp - Savannah

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