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The Road to Independence

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1 The Road to Independence
What events led the colonists to try to break free from English rule?

2 French & Indian War Seven Years’ War
British vs. French in the colonies Britain wins Proclamation of 1763: colonists can’t settle W of Appalachian Mtns to avoid conflict with Native Americans England = huge war debt; pay for debt by taxing colonists

3 British Taxes Stamp Act (1765): Stamp req’d for all printed documents (newspapers, fliers, mail, playing cards, etc.) Colonial response: boycott Eng. Response: repeal act Boston Massacre (1770): colonial protesters vs. British troops (Boston) 5 colonists die “Massacre?”

4 Boston Tea Party Tea Act (1773): tax on tea
Boston Tea Party (1773): Colonial protest Sons of Liberty Dressed like Mohwak Indians Threw cases of tea off British ships into Boston Harbor

5 British Response to the Tea Party
Intolerable/Coercive Acts (1774): Punish colonists for B.T.P. 1. No trial by jury in the colonies 2. Quartering Act: colonists forced to house and feed English soldiers 3. Blockade of Boston: no ships can enter/leave Boston harbor

6 First Continental Congress
First Continental Congress (1774): Representatives (delegates) from 12 colonies Philadelphia Letter to King George III: please repeal acts! King says no

7 Lexington and Concord Lexington and Concord (1775): British troops confronted by armed farmers & some militia British believed weapons being stockpiled in Concord, MA British troops defeat colonists at both places The colonists used guerilla warfare tactics Many New England colonists volunteered to fight even though defeated

8 Second Continental Congress
Delegates meet again in 1776 Split about 50/50 on issue of independence Thomas Paine writes “Common Sense,” advocates independence Set up committee to write declaration

9 The Declaration of Independence
Expected Benjamin Franklin to be the primary author Thomas Jefferson took lead Jefferson presents argument w/ ideas from Locke, Rousseau Lists examples of British tyranny SO it is not only our right but our RESPONSIBILITY to declare independence

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