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Conformity silent discussion

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1 Conformity silent discussion
“Cast…Conformity…Behind You!” (Lawrence 6).

2 The Common Good “Common Good be damned! Give me something magnificently uncommon!” (14). It is common in movies and television for people to say that their actions were guided by how it would benefit the greater good. What is the common/greater good? Why does Thoreau seem to want no part of it? Is the common/greater good the same today as it was 100 years ago?

3 Creativity “Every creative event that ever happened in the world was an interruption. Unexpected. Unplanned for. The only people who ever get anyplace interesting are the people who get lost” (28). What do you think of when you think of: An artist A musician A writer Are there creative people outside of the arts? Who are they? How are they creative?

4 Straw Hat “I also wear a ridiculous straw hat. That doesn’t mean that you should wear a ridiculous hat. You’d look ridiculous in it…Follow-the-leader is not the game we’re playing here! Young lady, BE YOUR OWN MAN!” (30). Are you ever expected to play “follow-the-leader?” Why is it important to have your own style? Do you think people conform to current fashion more often than they wear what they would prefer?

5 Your Own Way “I think there should be as many different persons in the world as possible. So—each of you—be very careful to find out and pursue your own way!” (30- 31). What opportunities have you been given in life to find your own way? What is out there for people to follow their own way and try to reach their dreams? Where do you see people that are the ‘same’ most often?

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