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Practice Makes Perfect!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Practice Makes Perfect!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practice Makes Perfect!!!!

2 Today’s Goals Standard: Apply gas laws to perform calculations 1.2d
Objective: SWBAT analyze gas law problems in order to determine which gas law to use with 85% accuracy DOL: SWBAT effectively solve gas law problems with 90% accuracy

3 How are we going to reach our goals?
Warm-Up Practice worksheet Quiz quiz cards DOL

4 Warm - Up On a whiteboard…..
Draw the three graphs we have created so far (P vs. T) , (P vs. V) , (V vs. T) List the three assumptions of gas laws Which variables do we use in Boyle’s Law? Which variables do we use in Charle’s Law? Which Variables do we use in Partial Pressures?

5 Worksheet You may pair up Read the problem
Select the proper equation to use Solve the problem

6 Quiz Quiz Cards At your table or in pairs
Flip a card and race to see who can solve it first Check the answer on the back of the card The winner gets 10 points

7 SWBAT effectively solve gas law problems with 90% accuracy
DOL SWBAT effectively solve gas law problems with 90% accuracy Individually solve all five equations Show ALL of your work Don’t forget units!!!

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