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The Carbon Cycle.

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1 The Carbon Cycle

2 Calculating Density What is density? Mass / Volume
DEGREE OF COMPACTNESS Mass / Volume Mass- amount of matter in an object Volume- amount of space an object takes up Matter- substance that occupies space and has mass (3 forms- solid, liquid, gas)

3 First some Vocab Carbon pool- place where carbon can be found (such as plants, atmosphere, or soil) Carbon flux- process by which carbon moves from one pool to another Example: C moves from the atmosphere to plants through photosynthesis

4 Carbon sink- when a carbon pool absorbs more than it releases
Example: ocean, soil, and sometimes forests Carbon source- carbon pool releases more than it absorb Example: fossil fuels because they cannot be replenished as fast as we use them

5 Organic Matter- materials composed of remains of organisms such as plants and animals
Example: soil Carbon sequestration- process by which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and stored, usually in plants

6 Video to explain CYCLES!

7 Biological Carbon Cycle
Carbon moves through living organisms, land, water, and atmosphere. Plants take in CO2 from atmosphere Animals take in Carbon by eating Carbon returned to atmosphere by decomposing and exhaling Carbon atoms can cycle through pools daily or take hundreds to thousands of years.


9 Geological Carbon Cycle
Occurs over millions of years Includes rock formation, plate tectonics, weathering, fossilization, volcanic eruptions Fossil fuels are a long-term carbon sink until used by humans Limestone-formed in the ocean and act as a carbon sink

10 How do Humans Release CO2
Mining Cutting of forest Burning of forest Burning of fossil fuels

11 SO…. 1. What is the biological carbon cycle, and how does it differ from the geological carbon cycle? 2. How role do trees and forests play in the carbon cycle? 3. What are potential effects of releasing carbon that has been stored in geological pools?

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