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Quick Write How do you persuade someone to do something, buy something, or think/believe something? Write at least 3-4 sentences!

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Write How do you persuade someone to do something, buy something, or think/believe something? Write at least 3-4 sentences!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Write How do you persuade someone to do something, buy something, or think/believe something? Write at least sentences!

2 How to win arguments and convince your friends to do anything.
Persuasive Writing How to win arguments and convince your friends to do anything.

3 Structure of an Argument
Arguments come in all shapes, yet contain 5 key elements The Hook The Claim Support Concession and Refutation Call to Action

4 The Hook Grabs the reader’s attention
Establishes a connection between reader and writer and provides background information It can be can be an anecdote, an image, a definition, a quotation, or a number of other options.

5 The Claim (Thesis statement)
Comes in the opening section of your paper States your belief and what you wish to argue. It can be straightforward and clear. “Students should be able to wear sweatpants everyday.”

6 Support Reasoning behind your argument
Provide evidence for your claim (data, quotes, anecdotes, etc.) Sweatpants are more comfortable, which allow students to concentrate. Classrooms are a frigid 68 degrees, and sweatpants keep students warm.

7 Concession and Refutations
Concessions recognize the arguments made by the other side. Build your credibility. It shows that you can discuss the other side with objectivity. Grant that the other side has some validity. Example: “Children wearing sweatpants will look lazy and seem less likely to work.” Refutations follow the concession. Argues against the opposing viewpoint by proving your side has MORE validity “However, students will not be concentrating on uncomfortable jeans and be more focused on class.”

8 Call to Action Draws your argument to a close, restates your claim and makes a final appeal to values Voices a final plea Does NOT repeat information, but sums up the argument with a few final facts and appeals. “The dress code should be changed to allow sweatpants.”

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