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Vocabulary Lessons 53/54 Latin II 2013.

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1 Vocabulary Lessons 53/54 Latin II 2013

2 frater, fratris (m.) brother

3 genus, generis (n.) birth, kind

4 pons, pontis pontium (m.) bridge

5 potestas, potestatis (f.) power

6 soror, sororis (f.) sister

7 supplicium, supplicii (n.) punishment

8 īdem, eadem, idem the same; the same man/woman/thing

9 ipse, ipsa, ipsum -self, the very

10 nobilis, nobile noble

11 colo, colere, colui, cultus till, cultivate, worship, inhabit

12 frango, frangere, fregi, fractus break

13 sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessurus sit

14 tango, tangere, tetigi, tactus touch

15 quondam once (upon a time)

16 Unused words: Expugno Intercipio

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