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Language and Literature

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1 Language and Literature
Review of 9th grade terms

2 Plot Structure _Ʌ_ Exposition – Background information about the time, place, or character(s). What the writer wants you to know about the world you’re going into Rising Conflict/Rising Action/Inciting Action– Event that makes the story more complicated or interesting Climax – the part in the story where the conflict or tension is at its highest point Falling Action – events that are the result of the climax Resolution/Conclusion/Dénouement – how the story ends

3 Types of Characters Major – A person/entity who plays a big part in the story (usually only a few per story) Minor – A person/entity who has a little role in the story (could be many or few) Dynamic – A character who changes in some way during the story Static – A character who does not change during the story Protagonist/Hero – A major character who is considered “they good guy” Antagonist/Villain – A major character who is considered “the bad guy”

4 Characterization Direct Characterization – The writer directly tells the reader what the character is like Indirect Characterization – The reader has to make inferences or put clues together from the work to figure out what the character is like What does the character do? What does the character say? What does the character look like? What is the character’s background? How do other characters react to or treat that character?

5 Conflict Internal – man vs. self
External – man vs man, man vs. society, man vs. nature

6 Point of View 1st person (I, Me, MY) 2nd Person (You)
3rd (He, She, They)

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