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Main Idea: The scare of communism attacking our nation greatly affected politics, society, and everyday life. The Cold War at Home.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Idea: The scare of communism attacking our nation greatly affected politics, society, and everyday life. The Cold War at Home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main Idea: The scare of communism attacking our nation greatly affected politics, society, and everyday life. The Cold War at Home

2 The Red Scare Americans were terrified of the spread of communism into the United States President Truman ordered several acts to keep communists out Federal Employee Loyalty Program searched for disloyal federal employees Smith Act made it illegal to teach or advocate for the overthrow of our government

3 Congress Joins the Hunt
The Un-American Activities Committee was created to investigate possible rebellious activities This committee went after the “Hollywood Ten” which turned into a big finger pointing contest This led to several entertainment figures being “blacklisted” This is an example of how freedom of speech was limited during this time

4 SPIES!: Alger Hiss Whittaker Chambers had been a member of the communist party but attacked it after he left He claimed that Alger Hiss had been his contact Hiss was put on trial and proven guilty in his second trial People became very concerned because Alger Hiss had been very high up in government

5 SPIES! The Rosenbergs The Rosenbergs were accused of giving the Soviets information to help them build an atomic bomb They were sentenced to death for their actions Many people believe they were used as an example to scare others from sharing top secret information

6 McCarthy McCarthy claimed the State Department was infested with communist agents He claimed there were 205 bad security risks and that 57 employees were communists but would not give names He continued to make these accusations and the term McCarthyism became popular to describe extreme, reckless charges

7 McCarthy McCarthy’s wild accusations led to him to become the chair of an investigation committee His accusations would ruin people’s careers and lives People became very scared of him as he attacked more and more important figures

8 End to McCarthy The Senate decided to hold televised hearings to sort out his allegations People began to see McCarthy as a bully and he lost his supporters By the end, McCarthy was condemned for his wild accusations near the end of the Korean War This signaled the end of the Red Scare

9 What was one comparison to our simulation, Dangerous Parallel , and what really occurred in the Korean War. Make sure to state what happened on both sides and then say how it relates. This question should be answered in three sentences.

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