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The Cold War Heats Up.

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1 The Cold War Heats Up

2 Domino Theory Idea that a communist victory in one nation will lead to communism spreading to countries nearby Used by USA to justify its support of non-communist governments in Southeast Asia

3 Korean War [ ] Kim Il-Sung Syngman Rhee

4 The Korean War Causes of Korean War Japanese rule Korea from 1910-1945
38th Parallel Japanese surrender north of line to Soviets Japanese surrender south of line to U.S. By 1949, Americans & Soviets pull out of both areas North Korea becomes industrial South Korea is agricultural

5 North Korea Communist China and the Soviet Union helped them South Korea Democratic US and United Nations helped them

6 The Korean War 1950: North Korea invades S. Korea
President Truman orders air support for S. Korea United Nations sends 520,000 troops to help S. Korea 90 % of troops were Americans led by WWII hero, Douglas MacArthur

7 The Shifting Map of Korea [1950-1953]

8 End of Korean War June 23, 1951- War ends in stalemate
38th parallel remains, dividing Korea U.S. Results of War 36,516 KIA 92,134 Wounded 8,176 MIA 7,245 POW $67 billion No declaration of war by Congress Referred to as “The Forgotten War”

9 Khruschev Embraces Castro, 1961
The Soviet Union and Cuba become ALLIES.

10 Fidel Castro Led a communist revolution in Cuba in the late 1950s
Many Cubans fled to Florida

11 Bay of Pigs Debacle (1961) U.S. backed an invasion of Cuba to try to overthrow the communist government of Fidel Castro

12 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

13 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
The Soviet Union stationed nuclear missiles in Cuba President Kennedy ordered the Soviets to remove their missiles The world was on the edge of nuclear war The Soviet Union “blinked” and removed their missiles


15 Thirteen Days

16 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
We went eyeball-to-eyeball with the Russians, and the other man blinked!

17 Reading/Analysis Complete the BACK side of the handout on the Cuban Missile Crisis Complete the FRONT side of the handout on the Bay of Pigs Invasion.

18 Superpower Video: Part II
Heads up, phones away, headphones out.

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