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Once Upon A Time.....

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Presentation on theme: "Once Upon A Time....."— Presentation transcript:

1 Once Upon A Time....

2 There was a Very Rich Man

3 His name was Dividend Dividend

4 Dividend had lots of Money!

5 Dividend had a son named Divisor

6 Divisor had a few really good friends

7 Their names were quotient 1, quotient 2, quotient 3 and quotient 4

8 BUT Divisor’s friends did not have very much money

9 One day, Dividend got very sick and died.

10 Now Divisor had no family.

11 Dividend left all his money to Divisor.

12 Now Divisor had a lot of money.

13 But instead of keeping all the money to himself....

14 Divisor .....divided....up all his money and gave some to his friends
Quotient 1 Quotient 3 Divisor Quotient 4 Quotient 2

15 The Moral Of The Story Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient


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