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DOL level 4 week 15 Analogy harvest : crops - ________ : ore : - :

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1 DOL level 4 week 15 Analogy harvest : crops - ________ : ore : - :
: : 1. what a large group exclaimed the announcer of our square dance Group 2. the tulips in our back yard have growed replied kathy mine

2 Pledge

3 Objectives day 1 Students will Recognize homophones
Identify Greek roots.

4 Word Structure day 1 new knew sell cell some very vice whether
monarchy biography democracy generation hire higher chews choose Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4

5 Word Structure day 2 Find other homophones for each word shown.
some very vice whether Line 2 Find other homophones for each word shown. Use a dictionary if necessary. Use these words in a sentence

6 Fluency 6 min. reading solution

7 Build Background Why do you think the United States Constitution requires that the president has to be at least thirty-five years old? Who decided this? What do you already know about the U.S. Constitution? What is it? Who created it? When was it created? What is its function?

8 Background Information
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

9 Building Background The Preamble comes before the main body of the Constitution, and it explains why the Constitution was created. The adoption of the Constitution was achieved only after fierce debates in many states. This was because many Americans were wary of a central government with a lot of power, because they had recently achieved independence from a monarch who had had too much power over them.

10 K W L George Washington helped write the constitution. British burned down the first white house. The third branch is about money. George Washington had wooden teeth. T Roosevelt was the smallest president. What are the branches of the government? What is the third branch of the government? How old was Abraham Lincoln when he became president? How tall was Abraham Lincoln? How old was George Washington before he became President? When he died? Why was Lincoln killed in the theater? Why did Washington have wooden teeth? Why did they write the constitution?

11 How has America changed over time?
Purpose Big Idea How has America changed over time?

12 Vocabulary lesson 1 original independence declared settle First
Virginia was one of the original colonies. The colonies declared their independence from England. First Freedom from control of another country declared settle John declared that he was rich! The two enemies decided to settle their differences. Past tense of declare; announce. To decide

13 Vocabulary lesson 1 proper violate contribute Suitable or correct
He did all the proper things at the dinner table. He decided to violate the traffic laws. Suitable or correct To fail to obey; to break contribute The family decided to contribute to the poor. To donate money or time

14 Handing Off

15 Genre Expository Text Gives information or explains something to the reader. Presents information in a straightforward way. May be organized by topics. May include diagrams, photographs, maps, or illustrations to help the reader understand the subject better. Contains information that can be checked by other sources.

16 Writing Timed- Test: Narrative Writing
What are some situations that you must write something in a single period or in a short amount of time? Class test, writing exams, school tests The directions for many of these tests tell the writer exactly what needs to be done and provide reminders about what to include in the paper. I will teach a strategy that will help you do well on these tests.

17 Writing Timed- Test: Narrative Writing
3. Write your paper. Read the entire prompt. Circle the directions for writing the paper, and underline each item you are asked to write about. 2. Take a few minutes to make notes about what you will write. Make notes for each item required by the prompt to remind you as you work. 4. Check your paper. Did you respond to each reminder? 5. Revise as needed.

18 Writing Timed- Test: Narrative Writing
Writing Prompt 3 Have you ever wished you could talk with a historical figure from America’s past? Write a composition that tells which historical figure you would like to talk to and why. What questions would you ask this person?

19 Writing Timed- Test: Narrative Writing
Reminders Make sue your writing addresses the topic of the writing prompt. Make your writing interesting to the reader. Make sure that each sentence you write helps the reader understand your composition. Make sure your ideas are clear and easy for the reader to follow. Write in detail so the reader understands what you are saying. Check your work for correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and sentences.

20 Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
Replace the underlined word or words with a pronoun. Leaders of the states decided to hold a meeting in May 1787. Someone asked Benjamin Franklin, “What have you given us?” Many other countries model their constitution on our constitution.

21 Spelling hire higher through threw passed past writes rights frees
wood would piece peace flower flour chews choose break brake phrase frays freeze

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