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Agri-science Mr. Bailey

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1 Agri-science Mr. Bailey
Wildlife Ecosystems Agri-science Mr. Bailey

2 Your Task!!! Draw what you think a wildlife ecosystem looks like.
You have 5 minutes

3 What is an Ecosystem? Are in areas known as biomes
Biome – large area with a distinct combination of animals and plants

4 Biomes in the U.S. Five in the U.S. Tropical Areas Temperate Forest
Grasslands Tundra Desert

5 Which biome is Kentucky?
Temperate deciduous forest Means it has different seasons and leaf fall

6 What two items are found in every ecosystem?
Abiotic – nonliving organisms Biotic – living organisms

7 Can you name the abiotic factors?
Water Sunlight Air Weather Soil

8 Can you name the biotic factors?
Plants Animals Micro-organisms

9 Ecosystems How big can an ecosystem be?
As small as a field or as big as an ocean How can an ecosystem sustain itself over time? Having a balance of abiotic and biotic factors

10 Simple Food Chain

11 Food Chain Common to Kentucky
Ask students what is going on here? Ask students what happens when one part of the food chain is taken away?

12 What did we learn from the Food Chain?
Dependent on the components found in it When one is taken away then the entire system has to readjust If it cannot then the system collapses

13 Exit Slip Briefly describe a wildlife ecosystem found in Kentucky.

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