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Election of 1824.

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1 Election of 1824

2 Battle of favored Sons John Quincy Adams Republican MA
Sect of state, support internal improvements

3 Andrew Jackson Republican Tennessee Military general (war of 1812), former senator, political views not well known

4 William Harris Crawford
Republican Georgia Sect of Treasury, favored states rights, considered favorite

5 Henry Clay Republican Kentucky Great Compromiser, Speaker of the House, transportation improvements for west

6 Results of Election of 1824

7 Results of election Neither party has a clear majority of votes
H.O.R choose from top 3 Clay uses influence and disliked Jackson to help get John Quincy Adams elected


9 Corrupt Bargain Supposed deal between Clay and Adams
Adams president & Clay Sec. of State Jackson supporters create new Party (Democrats)

10 Pres of John Quincy Adams
Internal Improvements Try to build national university, fund science Congress blocks, wont use taxpayers money

11 Election of 1828 Adams V Jackson Descends in to mudslinging
Jackson clear victor Most supporters in west and south

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