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Because the climate on Mars doesn’t matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Because the climate on Mars doesn’t matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Because the climate on Mars doesn’t matter.
Climate on Earth Because the climate on Mars doesn’t matter. Be sure to copy all BOLD words into your vocabulary!

2 Climate & Weather Weather-condition of the atmosphere in one place for a specific period of time. How is the weather today? Climate-average weather that an area typically experiences over a long period of time. What is the climate of Plateau Valley?

3 Axis Why don’t all places on Earth receive the same amount of direct sunlight at the same time? Earth rotates on its axis one time every _________________. In figure A, which hemisphere is receiving direct sunlight? What part of the 24 hour cycle would the other hemisphere be experiencing at this time? How long does it take the Earth to complete one revolution around the sun?

4 Seasons What causes seasons?
When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is ________________ in the Southern Hemisphere. The ________________________ is the northernmost point of Earth to receive the direct rays of the sun. What happens on June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere and why? What happens on September 23rd and why? What is the Winter Solstice and why does it occur? Why do the poles experience 6 months of daylight and six months of dark? Would you want to live in the land of the midnight sun? Why or why not?

5 Greenhouse Effect What is the greenhouse effect?
Some scientists claim that human activities are causing global warming. What effect could global warming have on the Earth (be scientific, please). What are some of the arguments for and against the global warming theory?

6 Factors that Affect Climate
How do the following affect climate: Latitude: low- high- mid- Elevation: Wind: what causes wind? what are prevailing winds? What is the Coriolis effect? What are the doldrums?

7 Wind and Ocean Currents
Click on this link and answer the following questions about the map using the map and your knowledge of geography. 1) Where are the high barometric pressure zones located? 2) Low barometric pressure zones? 3) Using the internet to further your research, what is barometric pressure? 4) What is the relationship between climate, wind, and ocean currents?

8 Factors cont. Weather & the Water Cycle
How does the Water Cycle (C. 2) affect the weather? What is El Niño and how does it alter weather patterns?

9 Factors Cont. Landforms
How do large bodies of water affect climate? How do mountains affect climate? Are we on the windward or leeward side of the Rocky Mountain Range? How might that affect our climate?

10 Global Climate Zones Click on the map above and learn about the climate zones of planet Earth. Complete the Climate Zones Questionnaire on my website.

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