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Writing to Imagine, Explore and Entertain

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1 Writing to Imagine, Explore and Entertain
Lesson 6 Writing to Imagine, Explore and Entertain

2 To use varying sentence types in our writing.
Lesson Objective To use varying sentence types in our writing.

3 What is a simple sentence?
Starter What is a simple sentence? Simple sentences contain a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete thought. Also called an independent clause. The cat ran down the road.

4 Task Write three different simple sentences. Remember they need to contain: A subject A verb

5 What is a compound sentence?
Starter What is a compound sentence? A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so (FANBOYS). They should be preceded by a comma. Ben tried to speak French, and Marcel tried to speak English.

6 Task Write three different compound sentences. Remember they need to contain two independent clauses with: A subject A verb Joined with a coordinator and comma.

7 What is a complex sentence?
Starter What is a complex sentence? Complex sentences contain an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. The teacher returned the homework after she noticed the error.

8 Starter Dependent clauses cannot function as sentences on their own. They are dependent on the rest of the sentence. The teacher returned the homework after she noticed the error.

9 Starter Complex sentences must contain a subordinator: because, since, after, although, when, that, who, which. The teacher returned the homework after she noticed the error.

10 Task Write three different complex sentences. Remember they need to contain an independent clause with A subject A verb One or more dependent clauses, with a subordinator.

11 Quiz! The man walked up the stairs.
Since I hadn’t heard from her in awhile, I decided to call my mum. I was very angry at Mike because he ate my sandwich. Sarah hoped to get a level 5, but she didn’t think she’d get above a 4. He quickly wrote the answer. I felt a cold breeze blowing in the room, yet the window was closed.

12 Task Consider your Not-So-Mini saga.
Using three different colours, underline examples of each sentence type.

13 PLENARY I tend to use __________ sentences the most. In order to improve my writing, I should…

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