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Lesson 1 Goods and Services The Things We Want

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1 Lesson 1 Goods and Services The Things We Want
Economics Lesson 1 Goods and Services The Things We Want

2 Economics The study of how productive resources (natural resources, human resources, & capital resources) are used to provide goods and services that satisfy human wants.

3 Productive Resources Natural Resources-are resources and materials found in their natural form in the environment Human Resources-the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization or business. Capital Resources-a productive asset such as equipment, inventory, or the plant (building)

4 Goods Are tangible items that result from production.
Examples include items such as books, automobiles, pants, paper clips, and shovels.

5 Services Are NON-phyiscal results of production and must be consumed as soon as they are produced. Examples include the services of a dentist, teacher, or plumber

6 Goods and Services Are by definition, things that people want (or need) Sometimes there are NOT enough goods and services freely available to satisfy everyone’s wants (called SCARCITY--more on SCARCITY later)

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