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Sheep in the Paddock Farmer Harold has 3 paddocks (shown below)

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2 Sheep in the Paddock Farmer Harold has 3 paddocks (shown below)
Sheep in the Paddock Farmer Harold has 3 paddocks (shown below). He wants to know whether he can shepherd 368 sheep in these paddocks. Each sheep requires 8m2 of grass to graze on. Does Farmer Harold have enough land? Triangle A=½bh =½×13×14 =91m2 Parallelogram A=bh =90m×21m =1890m2 Rectangle A=bh =25m×90m =2250m2 Total area = =4231m2 368sheep ×8m2 = 2944m2 = area of paddock the sheep need. Yes, he does have enough room. 21m 13m 14m 25m 90m

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