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CELL BIOLOGY CELL - basic unit of life CELL THEORY

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1 CELL BIOLOGY CELL - basic unit of life CELL THEORY
- all organisms are composed of cells - cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms - all cells come from pre-existing cells Entire slide appears .

2 CELL SHAPE - related to function
CELL SIZE - smallest cell (0.1 μm) - mycoplasmas (Kingdom Monera) - largest cell (4 in) - ostrich egg cell CELL SHAPE - related to function - skin cell - flattened, irregular - covers and protects Entire slide appears . - nerve cell - long, thin - transmission lines

3 TYPES OF CELLS PROKARYOTES (pro = before; karyote = nucleus)
Simple cells without a true nucleus No nuclear membrane, no membrane- bound organelles DNA is a singular circular chromosome Kingdom Monera Entire slide appears . Do not need to copy diagram. Refer to textbook page 72. Bacterium (colored SEM; magnification 8800x) Cell membrane Cytoplasm

4 EUKARYOTES (eu = true; karyote = nucleus)
Cells with a nucleus Have a nuclear membrane and membrane-bound organelles Have chromosomes made of DNA and protein Kingdom Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia Nucleus Entire slide appears . Do not need to copy diagram. Refer to textbook page 72. Cytoplasm Organelles Cell membrane

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