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3/6-Warm up 1) Review: list the steps of mitosis Match the following:

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Presentation on theme: "3/6-Warm up 1) Review: list the steps of mitosis Match the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 3/6-Warm up 1) Review: list the steps of mitosis Match the following:
Chromosomes condense and nuclear envelope starts to disappear a. Metaphase The cytoplasm divides to create two separate cells b. anaphase Chromosome separate and are pulled to opposite sides of the cell c. Cytokinesis Chromosomes line up along the center of the cell d. Prophase 1) How many chromosomes will a body cell have after mitosis? 2) How does a body cell and a sex cell (gamete) differ? (think about the making babies activity)

2 3/12-warm up 1) On a separate sheet of paper, write 3 paragraphs on what respect is and what it means to you 2) Compare and contrast: Use a double bubble or a venn diagram Mitosis vs. meiosis (use your guide)

3 3/12-warm up Write one paragraph on what it means to have respect
How does your behavior differ in class vs. at your home List expectations of how you should behave in class

4 3/13-warm up Describe the relationship between the words in a sentence. Underline the two vocabulary words 1) Child, adult, respect 2) mitosis, meiosis 3)Mitosis, body cell 4)Meiosis, gametes 5) Codominance, incomplete dominance

5 Meiosis The production of gametes.
Each new cell has ½ the chromosomes of the parent cell. Parent cell = diploid (2n) ex. 46 chromosomes Gamete = haploid (n) ex. 23 chromosomes

6 Prophase I Chromatin coils to chromosomes.
Homologous chromosomes (a pair of chromosomes, each having genes for the same trait) – pair up. Crossing over – homologous chromosomes exchange genes, increasing genetic variety.

7 Metaphase I Homologous chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell.

8 Anaphase I Homologous chromosomes are separated.

9 Telophase I & Prophase II
Cell divides into 2 cells Each cell has ½ the chromosomes. Identical sister chromatids are still together

10 Metaphase II Sister chromatids line up on the equator of each cell.

11 Anaphase II Sister chromatids are separated in each cell.

12 Telophase II Each cell divides into 2 new cells.
4 sperm or eggs have been created, each having ½ the original amount of DNA.

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