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AP Biology.

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1 AP Biology

2 SEATING 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

3 Do Now Working with your table partner, can you place a sheet of newspaper on the ground so that you and another person can stand on it, but no matter how hard you try, you and the other person cannot touch each other?

4 Contact Ms. Michele Bagby Phone: 202.427.6762
Room: 518 Website: Extra Help: Office hours Monday and Tuesday 4:00-5:00

5 Rules 1. Respect everyone and everything in this school. 2. You are here to learn. Effort is required. 3. You are expected to do your own work. 4. You may not interfere with anyone else’s right to follow Rules 1, 2 and 3. Specific school policies about cell phones, mp3 players, food, uniforms, etc. are enforced in this class.

6 Required Stuff In class:
3 ring binder notebook (for notes, and to keep track of all work). It should have lined paper (100 sheets or so) and graph paper (30 sheets or so). The requisite writing implement (pen or pencil, I don’t really care). A lab notebook (for collecting data). It must be a “classic” marble composition notebook. Nothing else is permitted. Composition notebook for FRQs. Composition notebook for notes. Calculator (you are allowed to use a 4 function calculator with square root on the test, you may use a scientific/graphing calculator in class At home: Textbook Your notebook (the one you bring to class) Access to a computer with modern internet browsing capabilities

7 Grading You (and your parents) will be able to access your course grade on-line through PowerSchool. Your grade is calculated as follows: Summative Assessments: % In-Class Assignments: % Class Participation: %  There is no extra credit offered in this class. Assessments will be graded according to the AP format. Please be aware that due to the difficulty of the class, AP Biology grades are “weighted”; however, grades are NOT weighted for students receiving a “D” or “F” in the class. They will receive the failing grade.

8 Home Learning “Flipped” classroom
Being that this is a college-level course, students should expect a workload equal to what would be encountered in college. The typical college formula is that students will spend ~ 3 hours of their own time per hour spent in class. Although we spend 81 minutes in class daily, you should expect to have an hour’s worth of work to do per day.

9 Makeup Work It is strongly recommended that you attend class every day in a timely fashion. Excessive lateness or absences will make it very difficult for you to keep up with the workload of this course. If you are legally absent, it is your responsibility to makeup all assignments and submit them upon your return ( lists all assignments and homework for every day of class). “I was absent” is not an excuse for missing an assignment (unless I excuse you). Work done during absences is due upon your return to class. In the case of multiple day absences, we will establish an acceptable due date for missed work upon your return to class. You must also make arrangements to make-up any labs (if possible), quizzes or tests as soon as you return to school. If your absence is unexcused, you will receive a “0” on any work that is assigned in class during your absence.

10 Late work Work is considered “late” when it is submitted after the established collection time. Late lab reports will receive a 10% penalty for every day they are late. Late classwork will be accepted for half credit the day after it is due and no credit after that. Homework cannot be submitted late.

11 Academic Dishonesty You are encouraged to work together to study course content. I do not expect fully original answers for pre-discussion questions or similar content interfacing documentation. You are allowed to collaborate on lab exercises. Data among lab partners is expected to be identical. With these two exceptions, all work done in this class is expected to be original or attributed to its original source in either the APA or MLA format. Any violation of this will result in an automatic “0” on the assignment in question. Cheating on exams, or plagiarism on any other item, will result in an automatic “0”, mandatory change of seating, academic referral, notification of parents, and the inability to ever receive a college recommendation from me for all parties involved.

12 Units Domain 0 Introduction and Scientific Practices Domain 1 Evolution Domain 2 Matter Domain 3 Energy Domain 4 Information Domain 5 Regulation Domain 6 Communication Domain 7 Interactions

13 AP Biology Exam May 8, 2017 The AP Biology Exam is approximately three hours long and has two sections. Section 1 is Multiple Choice and Grid-in questions and Section 2 is Free Response Questions.. Each section is worth 50% of the final exam grade. Section I: Multiple Choice 1 hour and 30 minutes Part A — 63 Multiple Choice Questions Part B — 6 Grid-In Questions The grid-in questions focus on the integration of science and mathematical skills. For these responses, you will need to calculate the correct answer for each question and enter it in a grid on that section of the answer sheet. Total scores on the multiple-choice section are based on the number of questions answered correctly. Points are not deducted for incorrect answers and no points are awarded for unanswered questions. Section II: Free Response 8 Questions (2 long and 6 short); 1 hour and 30 minutes, which includes a 10 minute reading period

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