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Geological Change Over Time

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1 Geological Change Over Time
Notes on the Right Side Please

2 Changes now are the same as back then
-Uniformitarianism states that geological processes that happened in the past can be explained by current geological processes -Example: Weathering happens today as it did millions of years ago

3 Fossils -Fossils: the traces/remains of an organism that lived long ago -Usually found in Sedimentary Rock -A Trace fossil : a fossilized structure formed by animal activity on or in soft sediments

4 Changes on Earth -Continents have moved throughout Earth’s history
-Fossil records and mountain ranges prove the Continental Drift Theory -This movement can cause places that were once under the ocean floor to be on top of mountains


6 Earth’s Climate History
-Climate: weather of an area over a LONG period of time -Climate changes over time -Ferns have been found in Antarctica and Glacial scrapings have been found in Africa, telling us the climates in those areas have probably changed over time

7 Ice Cores -Ice cores can tell us what the atmosphere was like long ago, such as water and gases The thickness of each layer (also reffered to as bands) how much precipitation there was during a given time The composition of these layers tell us what was in the atmosphere at that time (such as certain gases that were present)


9 Reflection (left side)
Complete page 161 in textbook Glue on left side in journal

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