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Bloody Men Wendy Cope.

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1 Bloody Men Wendy Cope

2 Metaphor Bloody Men by Wendy Cope draws comparisons with Buses in a comical way at first, but the tone of the poem then proceeds to that of a sinister one – growing deeper and darker the more words the reader covers. Although the poem is brief (12 lines long), the development of the theme is second to none – until the demoralising last line, which serves as a poignant oxymoron to the cynical hilarity and wit that preceded it.

3 Language This poem is written in the vernacular – meaning the language of the people The fact that it is written in this colloquial way means that it is more relatable for the reader Ican connect with this poem and I find it easy to understand “Bloody men are like bloody busses…”

4 Poetic Techniques Cope uses rhyme in this poem to make it more memorable and relatable The rhyme scheme also serves to reinforce the theme The rhyme scheme is It begins with a constant clear pattern in the rhyme and by the end of the poem the rhyme scheme diminishes (goes away) somewhat This serves to reinforce the moral message in the poem as in the beginning it is comical and light hearted and by the end it moves to a more deeper sinister meaning

5 Second Person Narrative
The fact that the poem is written in the second person narrative “you” means that the reader is able to experience the story as if it’s their own. Using the pronoun “you” and describing action as it happens supplies a personal sense of urgency, propelling the poem the reader—forward. Second person narration usually gives readers a peek into a relationship, a memory, and a character’s emotions and here we are given a first hand account of the speakers emotions Also, because it’s not often used, the second person point of view feels fresh to readers.

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