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Unit 2 Vocabulary Review

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1 Unit 2 Vocabulary Review

2 The United States did not want to lose in a power competition with Europe so they began taking over territories around the world. Which term best describes what the US is doing? Imperialism

3 Roosevelt’s quote “Speak softly and carry a big stick” demonstrates what idea of showing strength of your country with the support of the military. Jingoism

4 Newspapers sold many copies after reporting that the Spanish blew up the USS Maine. What is this an example of? Yellow Journalism

5 In 1898, the American government officially approved the _________ OF Hawaii as a US territory.

6 The Filipinos used this fighting technique in the Philippine American war.
Guerilla Warfare

7 Prior to World War I, the United States practiced this idea where they would focus on the issues of their own nation. In 1917, the United States changed their mindset to interventionism. Isolationism

8 Many European countries expanded the size of their armies to prevent attack by another country. This is known as _________________ . Militarism

9 Many men from the US enlisted in the war to show their pride or _____________.

10 When World War I began, the United States Chose ________ and did not get involved.

11 Prior to the outbreak of WWI, Russia and Germany tried to use ____________ to avoid conflict. Unfortunately, it did not work. Diplomacy

12 The Allied Powers and the Central Powers are both examples of ____________

13 The British circulated anti-German _____________ to get people to support the war and to be angry aT Germany Propaganda

14 In the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I, Germany was ordered to pay ____________ to make amends for the damage done to France and Great Britain. Reparations

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