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Unit 5 author’s purpose.

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1 Unit 5 author’s purpose

2 SWBAT Define and identify terms
Analyze word choice to identify author’s purpose Restate writing prompt and cite textual support for claim(s)

3 CCSS RL Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text RL Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone). W b Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic.

4 Define,illustrate, and exemplify the following terms
Tone (p. 489; R114) Diction (p. 489) Syntax (p. 489) Bell ringer = 5 min.

5 Read The Plot Against People pp. 488-493
As you read the story, fill out the chart below. Category Examples Characteristics Reading = 15 min. Chart = 5 min.

6 After reading the story, fill out the chart below.
Key Elements Evidence from Text Description of Tone Diction Syntax Images Other Chart =10 min.

7 Define, illustrate, and exemplify the following terms
Stealth (p. 496) Edict (p. 496) Robustly (p. 498) Predisposed (p. 499) Adaptation (p. 499) Capricious (p. 500) Bell ringer = 5 min.

8 Read Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall pp. 494-501
Answer questions 4-9 on p. 501 and turn in to the teacher as an exit slip. Row 1 write answer #4 on the board Row 2 write answer #5 on the board Row 1 write answer #6 on the board Row 2 write answer #7 on the board Row 1 write answer #8 on the board Row 2 write answer #9 on the board Reading = 20 min. Answer qs. = 30 min. Kahoot game if there is time

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